My despair is hard to describe. My understanding is the IOC Paris created specific organization to determine eligibility in boxing for Paris Olympics. World Boxing (which protects female category) is NOT the international governing federation for boxing at Olympics. Of all the sports -- boxing should not allow males to beat up women. I am beyond disgusted.

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Males should not be allowed in women's sports, period. Boxing just makes the barbarism of it so obvious that it's impossible to ignore.

There are other contact sports in which men can do the same kind of damage to women as boxing. Men in women's rugby, for instance, is very dangerous to women. Even an apparently benign sport like volleyball has caused severe neck injuries to women when the male on the other side of the net spikes the ball into her face.

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And another thing: The size and strength differential between men and women is a matter of common knowledge and it factors into ALL sports. Whether a woman is at physical risk or not, fair competition cannot occur when men "compete" against women. Male golfers have a 50-yard advantage off the tee against women. Powerlifting has some very strong women. But there isn't a woman alive who can match men's strength advantage in elite deadlifting, benching and squats.

Serena Williams, one of the greatest female tennis players of all time, and her equally brilliant comrade Martina Navratilova, have both come out unequivocally against competing against men in tennis. But according to current politically correct thinking, Serena Williams is a transphobic bigot because she doesn't want Andy Murray to "kill" her.


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Thanks for shining a light on this, and for including the Reduxx link, which is excellent. The fact that these men may have DSDs does not change anything with regard to their male advantage, and the Reduxx article does a terrific job of making clear why. Most of all, it is horrifying to think about the women who are slated to compete against these men and could well be seriously hurt.

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I think that the most horrifying and infuriating thing is the fact that the IOC has essentially banned any and all honest discussion of the situation in the worldwide media.

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Every time we think we've reached rock bottom...

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Notice that we don't see any trans identified males clamoring to compete on the balance beam in female gymnastics...

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The reality of sex still exists for them as and when they find it convenient.

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that Algerian man looks like he could kill a woman in the boxing ring.

The Olympic women boxers should refuse to fight the men. That would be a crushing decision but it would be the right decision.

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I agree. They should absolutely refuse, make a big stink, and get the signatures of as many female athletes as possible on a petition. There are many high profile athletes who would sign on, like Martina Navratilova, Riley Gaines and many others.

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A possibility -- can the women boycott? I don't think the world itself wants to see women get beat up by men, at least I hope they don't. For me, I don't watch the Olympics anyway, haven't for years, that's how much I dislike what I see as petty international political competition (not against the sports or athletes themselves). But the larping men need to be booted out. This is awful, and I pray for any of the women who box those two... persons. If they do box them, may the women knock their blocks off. Thank you, Kara, and Reduxx!

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I do find myself wondering how many people would actually care if a death happened to ensue.

It might not be that too many do. I even found myself embroiled in a massive fight with my own mother about this issue earlier today.

People really hate being forced to discuss it and we certainly can't force anyone to care, unfortunately.

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Hi, Lida! I just read the latest from the TERF Report (Kara Dansky's Substack) in which she reposted a Free Press article about the match where the female boxer just forfeited rather than get her face smashed in. It's a disgrace and a crime (imo) that this happened. Something's got to give -- these men must know they're cheating, and the IOC is now to blame for letting them cheat and abuse women for all the world to see. I'm so disgusted and I don't even like the Olympics!

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Same here. Of course it's gotten so much worse since you left this comment - as I'm sure that you're aware. The whole thing has left me feeling both infuriated and really pretty hopeless.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 5

I think I know what you mean, and I've been afraid to look at coverage of it. You might have meant the female boxer who was beaten up by the faux-female boxer from Taiwan? Not to mention the video showing Khelif of Algeria groping Angela Carini's breast. Who do these mf's think they're fooling? Well, to answer that, they're fooling most people, it seems. But not all of us, never all of us. There will be karma for them to pay, though it may take a while yet.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Yeah, I was aware of Mr Cheat Ting prick from Taiwan too, among others such as Mr Barbara Banda of Zaire. There are so many cheating men in this year's Olympics that they're simply not worth watching at all IMO.

The only Olympics I've seen this year was the 46second beat down poor Angela Carini received as it happened on Posie Parker's livestream. IDK about you, but it really upset me. How intense must be the hatred held by the decision makers at the IOC for women actually be?

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LOL (your name for the Taiwan boxer!) The whole thing has made me feel disgusted and angry, but nowhere near as disgusted and angry as the women who had to box those two, not to mention the sexist crap other female athletes have had to put up with (IDK, since I don't watch the Olympics anymore either). I see worldwide porn cultural "values" contributing to this. Yes, definite hatred for women. But somehow the IOC et al are going to pay the price eventually, though how that will happen, I have no idea. In any case I think there have been thousands of complaints and they can't be ignoring them. I'm a firm believer in karma, and hope karma will hurry up already!

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I am going to see whether The Washington Post will allow me to protest the two fake women boxers in the comment section of one of their gushing pieces about the Olympics.

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Update: Maybe things are changing at The Washington Post. My comment about the two male boxers competing against women is still up!

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"Artemis" Langford, sorority girl. LOL

From my perspective as a closeted gay man who endured three years of institutionalized jackassery at Beta Theta Pi at Northwestern in the mid-70s, I can't say I'm unhappy to see a sorority in distress. I have no doubt that millions of young women and men have had the time of their life in the Greek system, learning about self-governance, getting along with different kinds of people, doing charitable work and making lifetime friendships. Lucky them. Fraternities can and do live up to the "Animal House" stereotype. In fact, the fading tag "Beta Barn" that graced the chapter house's foundation in my day was mute testimony to an earlier era of misrule.

At Northwestern in the mid-1970s, the sororities were a bastion of elitism, snobbery and exclusivity. The heavy cut limestone, fine woodwork and copper flashing that characterized the sororities' residences mirrored the homes of the rich on Chicago's North Shore next door to Northwestern's campus. Some of my Beta "brothers" were experts on the fine gradations of status that separated the very best sororities from the rest. Simply put, the purpose of the sororities was to make sure the women didn't have to associate with the wrong type of men.

If Artemis or someone like him had decided to crash the NU sorority world I knew, I'd have had a schadenfreude high for days.

However, no women's-only organization should ever be forced to accept a male as a member, even if that man is under the delusion that he's a woman. For that matter, any fraternity that decides FTM individuals qualify as men is clearly so open minded that its brains have fallen out.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Lea Thomas was disqualified for being a man but boxing can continue? When will it end? When more people understand what the hell is going on. Few people know and understand. I’m going on lives on TT to spread info, but I can’t get a word in edgewise. Liberals won’t listen and they fully support male predators in jail with women, but Donald Trump is a rapist, and that’s bad. They’re ok with rights being taken away from women, and I’m called “ homophobic” for suggesting I should have rights. It’s lunacy. Nothing makes sense. The Democrats are dangerous authoritarians. I pray the pussy- grabbing womanizer wins. He’s the sanest of the bunch, knows what a woman is and has pledged to restore my rights.

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The Australian women's Soccer team, the Matildas, played a game against Zambia a few days ago and won. There is a 20 year old TiM in the Zambian team calling himself Barbara Banda. He has a DSD. Shame on them, both the male cheat and the IOC. Congratulations the talented Matildas.

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I really can't say that I care about the fact that one of them had a DSD (and I'm sure that you don't either). In fact, it only gives hay to trans activists when they don't win.

Good on the Matildas, though!

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