Brava, brava. So timely, and every word from both of you is 🔥🔥🔥 And of course there was Rowling’s first, glorious shot heard round the world:

Dress however you please.

Call yourself whatever you like.

Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.

Live your best life in peace and security.

But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?

#IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill

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FYI: Another shot from Kara going around the world again: Bev Jackson retweeted Kara’s open letter to Harris again today, with a spot on comment aimed at Chris Hayes: https://twitter.com/BevJacksonAuth/status/1854826129560949197

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J.K. Rowling is one of the greatest feminist leaders of all time.

The fact that so many women who identify as "feminists" revile and threaten J.K. Rowling is one of the many Orwellian signs that the left has devolved into madness.

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“Secondly, and far more importantly, the only thing more harmful to your cause than your pseudo-religious belief in gender identities is your astounding, self-righteous arrogance.”


I’m trying to share this perspective with my female friends and relatives when they wonder why Trump won. They see this as a fringe issue, but I’m trying to convey to them that not only is the issue relevant to many women, but so is the constant dismissal, name calling and harassment by those who are irate that women stand up for their own rights.

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She’s magnificent.

In 2020 I was thrown off progressive debate sites in part for saying (with surprisingly supportive private commentary) the trans position was going to slowly doom the Democratic Party - anti-female, anti-gay and anti-child. Don’t be surprised at a swift re-appraisal now.

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Wonderful tweet, wonderful news. I am glad that she is such a powerful voice !!! thank you , thank you to both Kara and JK. you are my heroines.

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A brilliant tweet by JKR about one of my favourite TwiX people; so glad she amplified your letter around the world.

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Sorry, what does 'TwiX' mean?

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hear! hear! thanks, Kara. your rational mind is like a true balm for me. I think the Democratic Party is dead. For what might happen next I go to economists like Richard Woolf. Certainly Trump is not the answer, and yet it was an inevitable reaction to the vicious inadequacies of the Dems.

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Kara Dansky, America's JK Rowling

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A perfect column! And a great and inspirational woman to honor. Thank you Kara and thank you JK Rowling for sharing Kara's letter!

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Thank you J.K. Rowling and thank you Kara Dansky.

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Oh hey!!!! Follow up from Election results and Democrats we have been pleading with on this.

I just read in my local paper (Itemlive, Lynn, MA) that Seth Mouton, whom I have been hounding on the trans issue (“can you openly define what a woman is, Seth?”) just came out on the backside of the election as saying he does NOT support the trans agenda anymore!!!!!

I voted for my electrician over Moulton in this election. I call him and write him all the time about trans issues. And finally, FINALLY, the tide is turning!

Kara Dansky and you women on high who are crying out for us, YOU ARE CHANGING HISTORY!

Hallelujah! Let’s all send Seth Moulton gift baskets of gratitude. He’s gonna need all the support he can get, as Salem, MA, where his office is, is in the heart of a major viper pit of trans activism.

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I saw that! We're in Massachusetts too. I'm calling Moulton's office Monday thanking him wholeheartedly for standing up to the misogyny.

If we can be heard, we WILL win.

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I mean, it angers me that it took him this long, and it comes off as pure politicking on his part.

But hey, I’ll take it!

It’s good to see him move to the front to lead the way for others to speak up. If he can do it here, others will follow.

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Yes. As Rowling has pointed out, they've destroyed our trust. We're not just going to guilelessly give it to them again.

Democratic Congresspeople have known for years how toxic transgenderism is to the left. They've all heard the testimony of women's rights activists in Congress. They've all had Kara's book on their desks. But they toed the line for the sake of the money. And this summer they kept their mouths shut for fear of being blamed when we lost the election.

Only now can they stop pretending and start admitting what they've known all along: transgenderism is killing the Democratic Party.

All credit to Democrats like Val Applewhite, who spoke out knowing she'd be called a traitor.

But when the rest of the Democrats start jumping on the bandwagon, Moulton will be remembered as one of the two who spoke out as soon as the election was over, paving the way for the rest.

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What a week! Wonderful that it ends on this high note, Kara. Thanks from Wisconsin for all you do. (And: yes, if the Misogynist in Chief will end the transanity, he will need to stop saying "assigned at birth" and "two genders." Really appreciated your audio insights today.)

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Right? The Republicans are still using the transgenderist lobby jargon. It's not that they understand (or care) what Democratic women are angry about. They certainly don't care that we're angry about them taking our right to decide what goes on inside our own bodies. It's that the DNC handed them on a silver platter this perfect hammer to break the Democratic Party. So they're using it. Duh.

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This is why I am proud to support your Substack.

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Sheroes, the both of you!

Thankful as always to have strong, brilliant women with good hearts and backbones of steel to stand up and speak out and to do so against an endless wave of misogynistic attacks.

To see you all come together gives a woman hope, and makes me feel like I have a shelter in the storm.

Keep kicking at the pricks!

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Speaking of writing letters to people to try to get them to make sense: I'm writing to news websites that I've supported in the past with donations to tell them I can no longer support them if they support the transgender agenda. This is a note I wrote to Sludge an investigative journalism site. Ditto for The Intercept. They have not answered my question.

Letter to Sludge letter:

Dear Sludge,

Before I subscribe I need to know if you support the Transgender agenda that men who claim to feel like women are actually women and should be able to use women's bathrooms, sports, access rape crises centers, etc. Do you believe in upholding the truth or succumbing to a trendy misogynistic lie? Sincerely, Betsy Warrior

Hi Betsy, thank you for the email. Hope you’ll enjoy our money in politics coverage.


Hello David,

Please explain, I don't know what you mean by "hope you'll enjoy our money in politics coverage." As far as money is concerned I've sent money to Sludge in the past, but lately have grown wary of groups aligned with transgender policies, which have been been attacking and defunding women's groups that have been protecting women from violence (See for instance Vancouver Women's Rape Relief and Women's Shelter & Darren Merager in WEHO by Paulo Murillo). You didn't answer my question about your (Sludge's) position on trans rights to colonize women's intimate spaces. I need to know so that I won't find out too late that I'm working against my own interests, in fact the interests of all women. There can be no truth in reporting without acknowledging the basic reality of the categories of male and female. Sincerely, Betsy Warrior

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