May I suggest this be called "FFS Friday"?

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Once again, the First Amendment doesn’t apply to women.

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Kara, huge applause for initiating this series, and to Christina Goeke for standing up for the truth. FFS Fridays has my vote whatever you name it.

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There is no democracy left to save when a convicted male sex offender has more power and voice in a court of law -- and one presided over by a woman -- than a woman speaking the truth and fighting to protect that man's future victims from harm by trying to stop him from hiding behind a female alias. When the contest for the top job is between two seriously corrupt old white men backed by billionaires, that is not a democratic election. That is a battle of the billionaires with no winners only losers - except for these lone warrior voices. They, including you Kara, are our only hope. Fight on.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

A heretic speaking out against the religious, gender inquisition is indeed radical these days. Gender requires a belief therefore it is a religion, and we have the right to not be forced to believe in any religion.

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Oh, but we must continue voting for Democrats to preserve "our democracy"™!

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