It’s like the biggest cult we’ve ever seen on the rise. It is terrifying.

All of this reminds me of the Gore Vidal book “Messiah.” A bunch of bored, super rich assholes decide to create a new religion out of some useful idiots basement cult movement, just to do it. It ends up taking over the entire world.

People are so fear driven, and medicated, and desperate. They will run to anyone offering a pretty lie that keeps them from facing themselves.

Also, anyone up for taking bets on how long before the founder of this new “love based” movement gets busted for egregious sexual abuse charges?

Brand new day, same old bullshit.

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Yeah, when I was peaking a friend over the BS that what we wear is our "gender," I said, "What's my gender? Thrift store?"

She got it.

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I love brevity, and that was a lot of words when they could have just said, "Be yourself".

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No need to platform this shite.

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Yes, but maybe good to know what dangerous idiots are doing...? He has a lot of money to push his idiotic beliefs

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The logo and the name "Office for the Future" reminds me so much of a Scientology "org." As does the ridiculous, culty word salad that follows it.

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Marc Gafni's Eros Mystery School, with all its attendant jargon and woo, has a very familiar ring. There's nothing new going on here. It's 20th century, New Age spirituality, repackaged to incorporate trans ideology.

Capitalism is great for this type of project. There used to be, and maybe there still are, New Age Fairs, where entrepreneurs would sell gemstones, aromatherapy, homeopathy, astrology, reiki, aura readings, tarot cards, I Ching, shamanism, etc. Trans ideology, being bullshit, fits right in.

Will people be attracted to it and ride it all the way to mental illness and bankruptcy? Yes, I believe they will.

We humans have a strong utopian streak, always seeking transcendence, eternal life, gods incarnate, stuff like that. It was only a matter of time before somebody figured out how to attach trans to metaphysics and make a jillion dollars.

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This reminds me of the posts by the Instagram account healingfromhealing. It can't be real, I think, oh but it is.

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Gender, like a spirit, Leorechaun, Wedigo, pixie or demon is a fictional thing - a mid 20th invention like Xenu of Scientology. This document seems to aim to affirm what is unique in a persons character irrespective of their sex, which is laudable, but needs no Mystification. Once the concept of boyhood or girlhood created markets, it’s impossible to back away... that should be the objective, to allow children to explore and grow in ways which makes sense to them, while preparing for unique roles of mother or father they also may assume.

I’ve used AI in art projects to “revive” Om of Finland and Oscar Wilde, for conversational purposes and it already works well. But while you may chat, you can never make a family with a clever tape recorder. That the hitch on these life extension approaches.

If the movement demystified rather than mystified ordinary life and attempted to imply immortality... then it would be worth the respect of attention.

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