August 16, 2023
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Like (I assume) everyone, I get a lot of spam mail. Over the years, I have ended up on a bunch of mailing lists and when I skim my in-box every morning, I typically just reflexively hit the delete button. But this morning I got one that stopped me.
From: Office for the Future <>
Subject: Beyond Boy/Girl Gender Split
This image appeared at the top of the message:
I checked out the Center for Integral Wisdom and found this.
This was the message:
Dear Friend,
We're at this key moment in history, this moment where we need to move from Homo sapiens to Homo amor. The wisdom of Homo sapiens has gotten us very far, but we need a deeper wisdom. We need the wisdom of Eros. We need the creation of a culture of Eros. This is the move from Homo sapiens to Homo amor.
Reality at its very core is Eros.
Reality is making love in every second.
Reality is a dance of allurement.
Reality is separate parts seeking to become new wholes.
Reality is moving towards ever deeper intimacies.That is the structure of Reality, beginning with the world of physics, and into the world of molecular biology, and into the worlds of culture.
The pathologies that generate the meta-crisis at their core, stem from failures of Eros.
Every breakdown of ethics at its core is a breakdown of Eros.
Now, Eros begins with me; it begins with you. Each of us is a unique incarnation of Eros.
To become Homo amor, to become the new human, one of the fundamental transformations is to actually incarnate a higher level of what it means to be a human being. We no longer can be just “guy” and just “girl.” We’ve got to be guy, we’ve got to be girl, but we have to be something deeper, something more whole.
– This does not mean that gender disappears.
– This does not mean that we erase gender differences.It means that we become something more.
Notice that at the exact moment of meta-crisis, there's this identity crisis around:
Who am I?
Am I just a boy?
Am I just a girl?The transgender communities are asking the right questions, but they are giving the wrong answers.
Yes, there is something deeper than boy. Yes, there is something deeper than girl. There's something more whole than being just boy or girl.
But there's a new emergent. And that new emergent of what a human being is, is not “no boy”, “no girl”. It's something larger, something bigger.
It's actually not my transgender identity.
It's my Unique Gender.
Underneath masculine and feminine, there's something even deeper.
There are two sets of qualities in Reality that are actually inherent values in Reality. And the interior sciences sometimes call them lines and circles.
Lines and circles are qualities of Reality.
They begin in the first nanoseconds of the Big Bang.
There are about 10 major line qualities of Reality. There are about 10 major circle qualities of Reality.
Over thousands of years, we froze the line qualities as masculine and the circle qualities is feminine, and that was an important part of the evolution of consciousness and the evolution of love.
But something deeper is happening. We're now coming to the point where in order to become Homo amor, we need to become something much deeper, much wider, much more beautiful, much more good, much more true.
We need to realize that each of us is a unique inter-penetration of lines and circles.
Each of us is a unique marriage, if you will, between their line and circle qualities. Every single person is made up of line qualities and circle qualities, but not one person has the exact synergy of those qualities in the same way as anyone else does in the entire cosmos.
Everyone has a unique gender.
So there is a deeper human that wants to emerge. Now, that's not some strange idea. That's not some utopian goal. That's not some religious or new age or human potential.
But that's the nature of Reality. The nature of Reality is that Reality evolves. And the nature of what it means to be a human being evolves. And our evolution is always perfectly matched to the crisis. Because crisis is an evolutionary driver.
Homo sapiens becomes Homo amor. And it's only the generation of that new human, that new possibility that will allow us to be the humanity that can meet the meta-crisis.
We literally need all of us to come together as a community, as a Unique Self Symphony, and to actually embody—become the new human.
We are going to become Homo amor.
We're going to re-vision gender.But we're going to revision something even deeper than gender, our essential identity, the essential answer to the question of:
Who am I?
Friends, at this moment of meta crisis, we're invited to not despair… but to transform and to celebrate the possible human that wants to be birthed in us, as us and through us.
So join us at Eros Mystery School, from August 21 - August 25. We start in only 5 days! There are a few places left at the castle! And you can also join online. All the teachings will be livestreamed and you will receive the recording at the end of each day.
Sign up here.
I'll see you there!
Mad joy,
Dr. Marc Gafni
Eros Mystery School
This might just be some new age silliness. Or it might not be.
The transgender communities are asking the right questions, but they are giving the wrong answers.
Martine (Martin) Rothblatt co-founded the Terasem movement with his wife, Bina (of whom he once spent millions of dollars making a robot replica). Its mission is “to promote the geoethical (world ethical) use of nanotechnology for human life extension.” It “conducts educational programs and supports scientific research and development in the areas of cryogenics, biotechnology, and cyber consciousness.” He’s also the CEO of numerous multi-million dollar corporations.
Rothblatt is not some obscure weirdo coming up with bizarre theories in his basement. He’s a multi-millionaire with a high media profile. In 2014, Fortune magazine ran a story about him with the headline, “Highest-paid female executive seeks immortality - digitally.” This is what New York Magazine said about him that same year in an article called “The Trans-Everything CEO”:
Martine prefers not to limit herself to available words: She’s suggested using “Pn.,” for “person,” in place of “Mr.” and “Ms.,” and “spice” to mean husband or wife. But “trans” is a prefix she likes a lot, for it contains her self-image as an explorer who crosses barriers into strange new lands. (When she feels a connection to a new acquaintance, she says that she “transcends.”) And these days Martine sees herself less as transgender and more as what is known as transhumanist, a particular kind of futurist who believes that technology can liberate humans from the limits of their biology—including infertility, disease, and decay, but also, incredibly, death. Now, in her spare time, when she’s not running a $5 billion company, or flying her new helicopter up and down the East Coast, or attending to her large family and three dogs, she’s tinkering with ways that technology might push back that ultimate limit. She believes in a foreseeable future in which the beloved dead will live again as digital beings, reanimated by sophisticated artificial-intelligence programs that will be as cheap and accessible to every person as iTunes. “I know this sounds messianic or even childlike,” she wrote to me in one of many emails over the summer. “But I believe it is simply practical and technologically inevitable.”
When Rothblatt published From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form in 2011, he wasn’t joking.
As my friend Jennifer Bilek at the 11th Hour Blog often says, #StayHuman.
It’s like the biggest cult we’ve ever seen on the rise. It is terrifying.
All of this reminds me of the Gore Vidal book “Messiah.” A bunch of bored, super rich assholes decide to create a new religion out of some useful idiots basement cult movement, just to do it. It ends up taking over the entire world.
People are so fear driven, and medicated, and desperate. They will run to anyone offering a pretty lie that keeps them from facing themselves.
Also, anyone up for taking bets on how long before the founder of this new “love based” movement gets busted for egregious sexual abuse charges?
Brand new day, same old bullshit.
Yeah, when I was peaking a friend over the BS that what we wear is our "gender," I said, "What's my gender? Thrift store?"
She got it.