just a bit tangential, but…the absolute worst thing that happened for women in the last 15-20 years was Planned Parenthood taking up gender and leaving women’s reproductive issues to die on the vine. young women who came up politically through PP and bought genderwang b/c they were too young and uneducated as to the history of women’s rights.

we already fought for and WON the right for sports, bathrooms, safety, privacy and dignity and they’re out there calling us older women bigots for standing up for our achievements. screw that. we’re in opposition now and i’m not interested in seeing those young pols go any further in public policy.

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So-called "third-wave or liberal feminism" was launched in the 1990s to combat our first feminist First Lady. Suddenly, young women were calling themselves feminist while also supporting male sexual exploitation of girls and women. Now young women call themselves feminist while actually OPPOSING women's rights.

I'm not a radical feminist. I'm not a liberal feminist. I'm just a feminist: a women's libber.

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It was third wave that also popularized the idea that women and men are exactly the same—although this may have originally meant that we are morally and intellectually equal and have equal value as human beings, it's over time turned into the idea that men and women aren't physically different in any meaningful way, and that any dissention from this for whatever underlying purpose can only be meant as part of subjugating women.

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yes! exactly. it’s why i have “2nd wave” in my twitter bio 😏

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Right? I tell transgenderist cultists I'm a women's libber. It stops them cold in their tracks.

Because it's not part of their pre-programmed jargon, they have no idea how to argue against it. After all, women's lib gave us everything we have today. And they know it.

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“this is the way” 💪

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It was second wave feminism that said, "Women are equal to men." But women's lib never denied the biological differences. On the contrary, we fought for women's reproductive rights BECAUSE of the biological differences.

But that feminism would have destroyed violent patriarchy.

So, after twelve years of Republican control ended with the Clinton Administration in 1992, conservative marketers appropriated the word "feminism" and gave it the meaning that so many young women accept today: misogyny for the left.

I was in my early 30s in college during the launch of "third wave feminism." Suddenly, the young women around me were saying insane things like, "Being a woman makes you kind and compassionate!" That was DIFFERENTIATING women and men, along the exact same gender stereotypes that women's libbers fought to abolish.

And this has segued perfectly into the male supremacist lobby of conservative gender-stereotypical transgenderism: male supremacy for the left.

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you know, interestingly, this was my school at that time: the women’s studies division exploded in protest over some material that presented in a feminism colloquium to generate discussion about sex work and sex positivity. the material was admittedly shocking (bdsm in nature) b/c the teacher wanted the students to consider the real people at the other end of the camera lens (this is what she told me). she was puncturing the artifice of “this is all fun and games.”

there was a backlash (sit-in) that made it to the local media, and then a backlash to the backlash that generated bigger protests that shut down the whole social sciences building (more media coverage). the “sides” broke down into “that teacher is too anti-sex-positivity,” and “that teacher is too pro-sex-positivity.” both sides were irrationally militant…this was the early-mid 90s and ppl just didn’t protest back then like they do now—esp in that sleepy east tenn college town. the media ate it up.

i had been fairly close to the teacher and the whole thing just broke my heart. plus i didn’t understand the nature of the 3rd wave critique (which i think was basically “let’s break everything”).

all this led to a hugely ugly tribunal to fire the teacher, in which they opened her mental health records (!), revealing SA by her father who was a well respected lawyer in a nearby town. the administration claimed she was delusional in making that assertion in the *course of mental health counseling* (it’s gobsmacking to recall this), which, either way, had no bearing on the subject. they just administratively “lynched” a women studies teacher—all over some postmodern bullshit that doesn’t amount to anything in the first place.

the whole thing unfolded like a Greek tragedy, and my friend’s mental health was shaken…so, the story literally “ends in madness” and irony b/c she’d been one of 2 teachers in social sciences who worked in pomo and critical theory and the 3rd wavers got her fired. great job, kids!

recalling this has reminded me that a theme of my work all those years ago was “rapid cultural transformation.” i hypothesized that cultural change doesn’t come gradually—it comes all at once like a flood—exactly how the Third Wave catastrophically arrived at our school.

i think the Third Wave has crested, the tide is going out and we’re surveying a rearranged landscape. naturally, the patriarchy wants to place MEN at the cornerstones of a rebuilt feminism. i’d expect no less, but that structure won’t hold. we must make sure of that.

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Oh, god--the so-called "third wave" conservative assault on feminism meets the lunacy of the Satanic panic. That's tragic. Julie Bindel was working in saving women from prostitution at that time. She has a lot to say about it.

Are you familiar with https://4thwavenow.com/?

The fight against the male supremacy of transgenderism is the fourth wave of feminism.

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i could be described similarly…liberal pluralist, maybe. but i absolutely loved the radical feminists of the 2nd wave. mary daly showed how language = power.

…just a general thought i’ve been developing: it’s prolly good to resist reducing our collective experience and wisdom to ideological labels b/c that gives ppl the impression that we’re easily figured out…and then dismissed. our collective culture is keen on subdividing ppl into taxonomies they don’t understand, but have strong opinions on 🙄 sorry guys, i won’t be categorized for your convenience 💪

this thought goes all the way back to when i was a sophomore student smoking in the hallway (so long ago) with a half dozen other phil students listing out their various approximations of their ideology. one after the other they said things like: “I’m best described as a post-marxist eco-feminist taoist with liberation theology tendencies” 😝 unwittingly hilarity is the best!

we are indeed “limited as language users” so watch out for those who game that system by confusing the meaning of words and categories. Daly showed us how this works, but she thought (or maybe she hoped) we’d be the ones running the game.

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Yeah, if they ever get word from their higher-ups in the Trans Moral Panic how to pigeonhole women's lib, I'll find some other term.

The point is to keep thinking outside their box.

They don't know how to do that.

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I’ve called Mouton to give thanks and to tell him a few of us are in contact in his district and looking to set a meeting this winter.

DIAG sent info.

Anyoone who is in Seth Mouton’s district, please, let’s come together and set a meeting with him. He needs to hear from us, and get support, as they are protesting outside his office in Salem, which is next to a trans shelter.

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Thank you so much for your work on this. I am not in the district, but did call Moulton, along with Suozzi, to thank them. If there is anything else those of us who are not in district can do to support your efforts, please let us know, if you have a chance.

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It would be pretty great if we could maybe start a letter writing campaign to send a holiday card to the democrats who are speaking up for us. Show them solidarity in a timely manner.

I’m about to have knee replacement surgery monday so won’t be able to organize much right now but feel up to flooding the allies with positive support going into the holidays.

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This is a GREAT idea. I’ll reach out to DIAG to see if a call for this could be put in their newsletter. Meanwhile, I feel your pain on the knee problems! Good luck with the surgery.

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MA for Women would be a great group as well. I think any free speech groups would be good to reach out to.

If we want more people to stand up and speak out we need to surround them with support.

We all know how lonely and terrible it feels when the transactivist community and worse still our own communities turn on us.

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Best wishes for your surgery! I have had one knee replaced so far.

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Karen: if when you have time and inclination, I am interested in your thoughts on this response from Moulton in a PSA interview. I have only seen this clip, so there may be more context, but I see him as giving way too much ground, backing away from a principled stance and trying too hard to conciliate where that is neither appropriate nor workable. https://twitter.com/PodSaveAmerica/status/1861911089136517234

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Weird, it won’t let me reply

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You know, I have also been experiencing glitches with the app like that. If I go open on the web, I seem to get past them. So, maybe something to try? As I have been thinking about it, and also just read the Chait Atlantic article, I see at least some Democrats beginning to grapple with a change in direction, but not yet getting the whole picture. This of course is not surprising, and in the case of Moulton, makes yours and others work in MA all the more important to sit down with him and his staff.

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I feel like it should be an eye opener that so many left leaning feminists have been compiling fact baed stories and data for 10 or more years should be a wake up call to the #no debate side.

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Maybe too wordy…

But this is why I think we need to swamp him with cards and those of us in his district meet with him asap to keep him from backing away from what he said.

He’s already trying. We can’t let him.

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Yes! Makes total sense!

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Thank you for work.

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Thank you, Kara, once again, for speaking truth to power. It is very, very important for all Ds who share our concerns to speak up in whatever ways we can. Here are a couple ideas of things to do re the bathrooms issue.

First, call or write D electeds and leave a message to let them know your view on the need for women’s single-sex spaces, such as public bathrooms, for privacy, dignity, and safety. The message can be short. It’s the message count that counts.

Second, now is a good time to redouble efforts to engage in one-on-one conversations. I am finding more friends and neighbors willing to have them now than at any point before the election.

It is always eye-opening to me how little so many truly good and decent people don’t know. For example, on the issue of bathrooms, I think it is easy to forget how much of our daily interactions are governed by a common set of norms, and that they are there for good reasons. (And no, AOC, genital inspections are not on the table. To think so is a moral panic. Maybe take a couple deep breaths on that one and listen, rather than opine.)

Helen Joyce, another like Kara who can distill so much clear information into a very few words, has a great explainer about bathrooms:

“I have seen a group of 8 [loos] in a pub with floor-to-ceiling doors, behind a self-closing fire door. Incredibly dangerous - all a predatory man has to do is hang around looking like he's waiting to use one, and push a woman back in when she comes out of one. Toilets are designed the way they are now for a reason - loads of thought has gone into making them as comfortable and safe as possible. Moreover, single cubicles are totally impractical in places like sports stadiums - take far too much space. Also, urinals are the most hygienic and best way to get lots of men through - cleaners really hate toilet cubicles that men use to pee. And women don't like having to sit on the seats after men have splashed all over them!”

Let’s go!

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Not of their own free will they won't.

We've gotta admit what we already know - this is a cult, and a lot of Dems are caught in it. The politicians are still more slave to getting re-elected than to the cult, of course. But other than Seth Moulton, they're still convinced that "listening to the Terfs" is a political death sentence not a political opportunity.

It will take pols getting primaried by openly Terf-sympathic opponents or more of them losing in the general elections to GOPers they were supposed to beat before the politicians come out of it.

The wild card is the question of how much impact the uncaptured Dem rank-and-file speaking up will have. We know the majority of them are with us, but they'll never be as loud as the cult members.

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I'm working with a group that has written a US federal bill to reestablish women's rights that is more comprehensive and definitely more sensible than what is proposed by Republicans. Their idea for fixing the damage caused by gender ideology is to revert to making gender nonconforming girls wear dresses to school again. Both sides want to reinforce sex stereotypes. Biden/Harris reversed Title IX (my description, not theirs) giving male students female sex-based rights under threat of loss of academic funding. Red states that passed laws to prevent male students from participating in female sports and getting into female showers in high schools and colleges simply got injunctions against the Democrats' reversal of Title IX.

If Trump swoops in to save the day with a presidential signing statement, 25 blue state attorneys general will get their own federal court injunctions to prevent Trump's “fix” from stopping them from affirming males onto female teams and into female showers. That means many more years of blue states screwing girls and women out of our rights. It also means the Dems will have dishonest gender ideology talking points to retake the House in two years and the presidency in 2028.

We have a better idea. Let's fix this problem once and for all with a solid reassertion of sex-based rights. Trump can still be the man by signing this bill, but he'll have a more permanent solution from Congress that is widely supported across our country. Kara and others, are you interested in this solution?

Our novel approach starts with a female sports organization to will create a broad based coalition between those on the Left and Right who agree on the problem of male students in women's sports. I think there are millions of people looking for a solution right now and I want to offer them this one.

Please contact me via substack if you want to help.

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FYI, to anyone who has not visited DIAG's website recently, it has been brilliantly updated, with a great new logo, and includes some superb calls for action with sample text and many other useful materials. I recommend heading on over there and pick out a call for action or two. (The sample letter calling on D Congressmembers to start a bipartisan investigation into "gender-affirming care," and into Admiral Levine’s involvement in misleading the families of gender-distressed children is excellent, and easy to use.)https://www.di-ag.org/speak-up

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Thanks for the link.

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I too spoke out years ago on progressive forums, identifying the harm which would come to Democrats for pretending men could be women, and was eventually thrown out for stating plain facts.

I’ll make one statement further.

Politically, “he is for us / she is for they-them” was brilliant, and also highlights:

Those of us who dislike and reject the entire public trans delusion cannot keep trying to sound factual and scientific: it is an insurmountable barrier we have created when discussing this.

Nobody really *feels* these words : ideology, trans-exclusionary radical feminist, reification, gender affirmation therapy, nonbinary, personal pronouns, dysphoria, reassignment, cross-sex, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, gender identity, autogynophilia, sex assigned at birth, biological male, biological female, sex spectrum, cisgender, sex-reassignment surgery, hormone-replacement…

When the terms of debate are controlled by team delusion, you are starting out at a big disadvantage. There is a huge urge in sociology and psychology to “scientize” ordinary words to partition in-the-know from ordinary people. [This idea has been written about by people as diverse as Orwell and bell hooks]

Contrast to Maud Marion, speaking of the Democratic Party:

“I am sick to death of its insistence on lying to American voters about what sex is.”

We need to de-mystify language used in public drastically, because when you change the language everyone understands reality:

Affirming therapy : Fake therapy, False therapy, Conversion therapy

Sex assigned at birth : sex

Non-binary : pretend, lying

Trans-exclusionary radical feminist: concerned woman

Biological male or female: male or female

Sex spectrum: female / male don’t exist

Dysphoric: unhappy, sad, bullied

Cisgender female or male: female or male

Autogynephilia: sex faker

Sex-reassignment surgery: cutting off: breasts, penis, testicles; mutilating

Hormone-replacement: drug

Cross-sex : unnatural, harmful

Puberty-blocker: sterilizing

Transgender: sex delusional, anti-woman

Inclusive: allow men, trespass, barge, sneak

Intimate spaces: locker room, bathroom

Compete: tale the place of

Trans woman: man

Trans man: woman

Gender: sex

WPATH recommends that:

One a child shows signs of sadness at puberty, or because they are bullied for being different:

* start brainwashing with or without parental consent

* give access to harmful, sterilizing drugs

* plan surgery to remove or mutilate their genitals

* With no minimum age

Sex-delusion activists want men to be able to sneak into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms to make them happier while faking female.

Concerned women have demanded that men be stopped from replacing women in women’s sports.

Men faking female try to con lesbians into sex.

Anti-women activists have blackmailed teachers into telling kids that men and women don’t really exist.

Men faking female have convinced unhappy kids to talk to them about sex and try on fetish and hooker clothing online on-camera and hide it from parents.


It’s all so easy to see when you get the formula clear.

“He is for you, she is for they/them”

Women are women. Men are men.

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