You are giving me hope that the “gender self-I’d” insanity will eventually come to an end in our country. A million thanks for being such an important - essential! - part of this struggle ! I will never forgive or forget that the Democrats, my party, were in the forefront of crapping on girls & women’s rights and mutilating children. I will never vote for any political candidate that does not believe in biological reality - unfortunately that leaves out most Democrats, but so be it.
That has not been the case until recently, when gay rights legacy organizations were captured by the transgender activists, who do advocate for including MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) in their list of "genders". There is no longer the same "gay rights" movement that existed since Stonewall. The original gay liberation movement rejected collaboration with organizations like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Assn) and lesbians have never advocated for pedophilia to be normalized.
You have named two women who groomed girls and young women for wealthy men. Those women might be lesbians, but they are not at all typical of lesbians, most of whom have no involvement whatsoever in the social affairs of heterosexual men. Madonna may be bisexual, but she is clearly not a lesbian. There are lesbians who have fallen for the transgender cult, like Degeneres, but they do not groom minors for sex with adults or advocate for minors to have sex with adults.
I happen to be Jewish, although not Orthodox. I also am a radical feminist activist who has been working with conservatives in my state of Oregon to stop the harming of children in “gender clinics” and I absolutely agree that wherever we are on the political spectrum on other issues, including abortion, we need to work together to stop the transgender juggernaut from harming children and eviscerating women’s sex-based rights.
80% of men who want to be thought of as women are heterosexual men with the paraphilia (sexual fetish) of autogynephilia. They get off sexually by thinking of themselves as being women and as having female bodies. Those in their 30s and older often are married to females and have fathered children.
Blanchard found that 80% of these men are heterosexual (or bisexual) and 20% are homosexual. The homosexual men want to present as women in order to attract straight/heterosexual men, including by prostituting themselves. The heterosexual autogynephiles are the ones who claim that they are lesbians and who show up at lesbian social gatherings and try to pressure young and otherwise vulnerable lesbians to "date" them, i.e. have sex with them. I have encountered several of these men because I host lesbian social activities through
Although it is true that nowadays many young women of college age experiment with having romantic relationships and sex with other women, but then go on to have heterosexual relationships and marry men, 1% to 2% of women really are homosexually oriented and never have any interest in sexual or romantic relationships with men. You can believe whatever you want, but those of us who are lifelong lesbians know ourselves and how we feel. Here is an interesting, well researched book that discusses women's sexuality, and which supports your contention that most women are bisexual, even those who choose to spend their lives only in sexual relationships with other women:
You say "I tend to think all lesbians are "bisexual" and therefore can change, if they want to." Why would women capable of and experiencing loving, sexually pleasureable relationships with other women want to "change"? Why should we want to change when so many women are abused in their heterosexual marriages? A woman who engages in heterosexual relationships is far more likely to be raped, otherwise abused and murdered than a woman who only engages in homosexual relationships. Even if a woman does have bisexual sexual feelings, and is capable of being sexually aroused by males, why should that be the decisive factor in her deciding whether she wants to have a committed relationship or wants to date? Why isn't it more important that she feels more emotional intimacy with women than with men?
The Torah does not mention female homosexuality. It only proscribes male homosexuality, which in biblical times was associated with pagan religions, as were tattoos which are also forbidden in the Torah.
The young female who you knew who was modifying her body to please her older female lover was still a lesbian! Since humans, like other mammals, cannot change our sex, she remained a female oriented towards other females, as did her love.
Ellen/Elliott Page is clearly a very disturbed woman in her 30s who, like many women who want to think of themselves as imen, was sexually abused and harassed by men in the entertainment industry in her teens and 20s. She apparently also has an eating disorder. She is being reinforced not only by getting a lot of money for her book, but by the acclaim she is receiving in these times when "transitioning" is socially acclaimed by the extreme left "woke" part of our population. This also happens to ordinary girls of high school age, many of whom are autistic. They go from being socially isolated to being celebrated when they come out as "transmen".
You are giving me hope that the “gender self-I’d” insanity will eventually come to an end in our country. A million thanks for being such an important - essential! - part of this struggle ! I will never forgive or forget that the Democrats, my party, were in the forefront of crapping on girls & women’s rights and mutilating children. I will never vote for any political candidate that does not believe in biological reality - unfortunately that leaves out most Democrats, but so be it.
That has not been the case until recently, when gay rights legacy organizations were captured by the transgender activists, who do advocate for including MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) in their list of "genders". There is no longer the same "gay rights" movement that existed since Stonewall. The original gay liberation movement rejected collaboration with organizations like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Assn) and lesbians have never advocated for pedophilia to be normalized.
You have named two women who groomed girls and young women for wealthy men. Those women might be lesbians, but they are not at all typical of lesbians, most of whom have no involvement whatsoever in the social affairs of heterosexual men. Madonna may be bisexual, but she is clearly not a lesbian. There are lesbians who have fallen for the transgender cult, like Degeneres, but they do not groom minors for sex with adults or advocate for minors to have sex with adults.
I happen to be Jewish, although not Orthodox. I also am a radical feminist activist who has been working with conservatives in my state of Oregon to stop the harming of children in “gender clinics” and I absolutely agree that wherever we are on the political spectrum on other issues, including abortion, we need to work together to stop the transgender juggernaut from harming children and eviscerating women’s sex-based rights.
80% of men who want to be thought of as women are heterosexual men with the paraphilia (sexual fetish) of autogynephilia. They get off sexually by thinking of themselves as being women and as having female bodies. Those in their 30s and older often are married to females and have fathered children.
Here is what it is like to be married to such men:
Here is an article about such men:
Here is the abstract of a paper written by Anne A. Lawrence, a PhD sexologist who himself is an autogynephile:
Lawrence wrote an excellent, short book about this. The Kindle edition is affordable and many academic libraries have print copies:
Ray Blanchard, the psychologist that coined the term "autogynephile" has done many studies of these men:
Blanchard found that 80% of these men are heterosexual (or bisexual) and 20% are homosexual. The homosexual men want to present as women in order to attract straight/heterosexual men, including by prostituting themselves. The heterosexual autogynephiles are the ones who claim that they are lesbians and who show up at lesbian social gatherings and try to pressure young and otherwise vulnerable lesbians to "date" them, i.e. have sex with them. I have encountered several of these men because I host lesbian social activities through
Although it is true that nowadays many young women of college age experiment with having romantic relationships and sex with other women, but then go on to have heterosexual relationships and marry men, 1% to 2% of women really are homosexually oriented and never have any interest in sexual or romantic relationships with men. You can believe whatever you want, but those of us who are lifelong lesbians know ourselves and how we feel. Here is an interesting, well researched book that discusses women's sexuality, and which supports your contention that most women are bisexual, even those who choose to spend their lives only in sexual relationships with other women:
You say "I tend to think all lesbians are "bisexual" and therefore can change, if they want to." Why would women capable of and experiencing loving, sexually pleasureable relationships with other women want to "change"? Why should we want to change when so many women are abused in their heterosexual marriages? A woman who engages in heterosexual relationships is far more likely to be raped, otherwise abused and murdered than a woman who only engages in homosexual relationships. Even if a woman does have bisexual sexual feelings, and is capable of being sexually aroused by males, why should that be the decisive factor in her deciding whether she wants to have a committed relationship or wants to date? Why isn't it more important that she feels more emotional intimacy with women than with men?
The Torah does not mention female homosexuality. It only proscribes male homosexuality, which in biblical times was associated with pagan religions, as were tattoos which are also forbidden in the Torah.
The young female who you knew who was modifying her body to please her older female lover was still a lesbian! Since humans, like other mammals, cannot change our sex, she remained a female oriented towards other females, as did her love.
Ellen/Elliott Page is clearly a very disturbed woman in her 30s who, like many women who want to think of themselves as imen, was sexually abused and harassed by men in the entertainment industry in her teens and 20s. She apparently also has an eating disorder. She is being reinforced not only by getting a lot of money for her book, but by the acclaim she is receiving in these times when "transitioning" is socially acclaimed by the extreme left "woke" part of our population. This also happens to ordinary girls of high school age, many of whom are autistic. They go from being socially isolated to being celebrated when they come out as "transmen".