I want to highlight this, which is an extraordinary achievement: “In the few years since its launch in 2020, WDI USA has put the feminist critique of “gender identity” before the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeal of the U.S. judiciary.” Also thrilling--and hopeful--to read that every one of the 450 sorority alum on their amicus brief signed their names. The times they are a-changin’.

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The brief was excellent and at the same time I feel as if I'm in an evil, alternate universe. I've never taken women's advances for granted, but never did I consider the misogynistic lunatics would target the fundamentals of science to completely destroy the rights of females.

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Holy cow, the way the Washington Post portrays this story is shocking.

Aside from very briefly citing the women's severe anxiety and suffering over having a man in their sorority, the Post focuses their entire "article" (not news journalism, by any stretch of the imagination) on how hard all this is on the poor wittle enormous hairy *man*--who could stop the whole thing any time he wanted, by simply moving out of the sorority.

I've seen lots of propaganda in my time and lots of cultism, but the blanket media promotion of this Trans moral panic is absolutely staggering.

In the era after Hillary Clinton (seeking to limit the amount of money in politics) lost "Citizens United vs the FEC"--this is what big money can buy you, folks.

Congrats, Republicans of the US Supreme Court. You sure crapped all over our collective nest.

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Eight years ago, before #MeToo became, #*uckYOU, a woman being uncomfortable with having a male body in her vulnerable space would have been socially acceptable. Can someone please help my antiquated, GenX brain understand the main difference between a male body of a "cisgender" man and a fully, intact male bodied trans women? I'm not grasping the difference. Conflating sex and gender in the law dehumanizes women. As if we're just creatures with interchangeable body parts with no feelings or rights to feel. The left (and the right) have made their message very clear: women have no right to exercise agency over their own bodies. Bodily autonomy includes the right to choose where our bodies dwell, and whom they dwell with.

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