This is a great track record! Thank you to all involved!

Relatedly, and inspired by Kara and WDI's good work, you will find a Citizen's Petition directed to the FDA (FDA-2023-P-3767, "Request the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to take urgent action concerning the off-label use of GnRH agonists, a class of drugs also known as Puberty Blockers in Children") at this link: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2023-P-3767-0001

If you choose to comment, the category to use from the drop down list appears to be "Category: Drug Industry C0022." You can comment anonymously.

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The ignorance regarding the Equality Act is mind boggling! All I can say is keep shouting and pray the Senate does get 60 Democrats and the GOP keep the House. The $$$ behind pushing the EA are astounding. They’ll pull up the late John Lewis clip to add to the Abortion clips, etc , thus I’m not confident we get a dividend Congress in 2024. Game over if not.

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