“ As far as I know, no feminist has ever denied that women and girls exist as a category of people. That would make no sense at all, given the aim of feminism. ”

Except that feminism morphed into neo-liberal feminism, and it was the same rabid, woman hating (especially older woman hating) third wave girls and women who pointed at rad fems and screamed “WITCH!”

The same ones who embraced “slut pride” and promote “sex work” as “empowering and liberating.”

The insults from men were bad enough, then they found an educated, upper middle class group of women to do the heavy lifting for them.

And now those women scream “transwomen are women” and accuse JK Rowling of being the Devil in her transphobic hatefulness.

My stepkid goes to school with indoctrinated future versions of this beast. And honestly, as a radical feminist, I say this:

If you confront me like that, you’d better be willing to go the distance. Because I will not be trod upon by other women any more than by a man, and I debate and argue with facts that I can back up, and I walk the walk.

Honestly, if I hear one more of these brats say some batshit cray, dimwitted shit like “we don’t say lesbian, it’s regressive, everyone is queer now” I might just sign them up to do free sex work for their transwomen allies. They kinda deserve it for being so daft. You gonna talk like that, walk the walk darling. Life lessons, all that.

Let them find truth in the most glaringly obvious way: at the hands of a man in drag doing what men do to women when they feel entitled to everything you have, down to your breath.

Sometimes the truth really does hurt. And sometimes you have to grow up to wake up, and to face that branding a thing as just and good does not make it so.

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Very well said. I relate. My 20-something daughter is positively cocky with her superior understanding of the modern battle of the sexes as she sees it, though I have a PhD in the subject. It's ruined our former feminist bond.

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Ugh, I’d be so stressed if i had to live in proximity with one of them. I can’t take it. I have a 35 year old employee who drinks the kool-aid and I have been slowly feeding in tidbits and fragments of truth and fact without attaching it to her queer cult beliefs, and it seems to be having an effect.

Long term they will find out the hard way. I can honestly say that when I was a 20-something living in san francisco in the 90s that was the big thing, to push those beliefs. I married a man younger than me who hardcore pushed that shit, and tur4ned out to be a sex addict (he had been raped in the boyscouts and then had his 8th grade teacher marry him when he was 20 after drawing him into a relationship at 15).

I can honestly say that there were endless, countless episodes, during sex play or whatever, and in my head the loud voice was saying “are you sure this is empowering? Because it feels degrading.”

It took me a long winding road to get to whee I am, and I put up with a lot of BS from men and women alike to get here.

One thing that is important to remember is that being the older, wiser 2nd wave feminist is not helpful if we shame or combat them. I had so many women in feminist communities just rage at me and I was soooooo naive, and just feeling my way through. So I learned to despise those communities, as they attacked me and other women and judged and shamed them for not having the same insights or POV.

I just try to see the lib fems as baby souls who will need someone to hug them when they wake up to reality and see what a hateful and misogynistic movement this is, and how used they were.

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"Studying how the man’s identity had eclipsed woman-as-wife, spanning much of recent history, modern transgenderism seems like the most logical transition in men possessing women. Where once she became subsumed within man’s identity, possessed, woman herself now becomes an identity for man to possess."

So well said!

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Let's remember that this is not all men but rather a tiny minority of men who wish to identify as women. It becomes dangerous when we lump all men into a category that most men find repugnant. All of the men I've ever known like women and support women to live their lives as they choose, whether that be as a career woman, a stay-at-home mom, etc.

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As a young girl growing up in the 70's and 80's, the not-so-subtle feminist message my friends and I received was that we should be more like men by pursuing careers and postponing/forgoing marriage and children. We were also simultaneously told that we could have it all, just like men did, only we could do it even better. (Remember the Enjoli perfume ad?) Ironically, many women I know, myself included, after obtaining our degrees and entering the work world, married and started families and subsequently quit our jobs because we found it was not possible to have a career and mother children and do both things well simultaneously; and because ultimately we found greater fulfillment in our roles as mothers; and most importantly, our children needed us, their mothers, in those early years of development. A father, no matter how wonderful, cannot mother. Our roles are unique and uniquely important.

I don't think Matt Walsh is too far off the mark. In my experience, feminists have wanted it both ways: they claim that women are uniquely different than men, yet they also claim that gender is a social construct, and that women can do whatever men can do, and even that women don't need men anymore for anything, not even for pregnancy and child-rearing. (Thanks Big Pharma and Big Government! They're more than happy to give us what feminists say we want.) I say this as someone who subscribed to the feminist ideal that women should be free to choose their own paths in life, understanding, of course, that each path has its promise and its limits.

My own daughters, having been to varying degrees poisoned by woke ideology, heartbreakingly reject womanhood outright--they don't "identify" as women, and they ridicule anyone who chooses love, marriage and motherhood over career and self-interest. I can't help but think, from my own experience, that feminism, perhaps unwittingly, helped to set the stage for the current transgender madness in our culture.

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Well written and it hints at a strange dilemma. Why should women be pushed heavily into STEM fields, which is the current vogue.

Women are “underrepresented” in areas like computer programming. However, women do better in school and are the majority of college graduates. Why don’t we ask why men are underrepresented in, say, education. Could it be that we undervalue what women may prefer to pursue and overvalue what men prefer to do?

In our world, why should a computer programmer be paid 2x, 5x that of a teacher coming straight out of college. I’ve never had adequately explained to me why there is such an imbalance for equivalent cognitive skill sets.

Except of course that one is a direction which women pursue differentially, and one isn’t.

San Francisco is dripping with engineers, but the region cannot adequately staff public schools.

If men liked teaching in school, I suspect society would suddenly value those jobs more, and salies would go sky high.

Men are underrepresented in education and high in complex social cognition - perhaps the push should be for for men to get trained in non STEM.

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A great read is The Woman’s Bible by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Guys like Matt Walsh might be surprised what the scriptures really say ....this book is 125 years old ...

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Have you actually heard Matt Walsh say that women should be subservient to men, or do you just assume this because he is Catholic and conservative? Or perhaps you are repeating what other people say about him?

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I listen to Matt’s podcast and have for years. He’s been shining a light on trans movement for years. But to relate feminism for its success to the decline in male masculinity and promotion of trans is my issue. I’m a Catholic and Conservative and old enough to have lived through being denied playing sports and my mother not allowed to have a credit card in her name. My point is I don’t believe God nor the Bible wanted women rights to belong to their husband. It took women suffrage 150+ years to reverse these Cannon laws that were based on “Christianity”. I believe in nuclear family as Matt pronounces BUT feminism is not the reason for all of society woes. My point with referring to Cady Staton works is the fight continues. Can Matt help? For sure he can. LGB isn’t because of feminism. Gender Ideology isn’t because of feminism. Half the workers in America is because of feminism. More women in college is because of feminism. Feminist and Matt are needed to stop this Gender Ideology movement. Kara , etc are our new Cady ‘ that’s all. PS watch Matt’s interview with Joe Rogan.

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Thank you for your response. I agree that we need everyone on board, and that liberals and conservatives can and must work together to end the gender madness. I have not heard Matt say that feminism is "the reason for all of society woes"; and certainly feminism brought to light the inequalities women faced and helped to make good and important changes that have benefitted women; but I also think that some militant, vocal feminists went too far, and their views bled into what is now woke ideology. What else but militant feminism can explain the repulsive comments by actress Rachel Zegler regarding the 1937 Disney version of the Grimm Fairy Tale and the recent Snow White remake? (She completely misinterprets this deep and complex fairy tale!) How are women uplifted by putting men down? I'm not saying that is what feminism set out to do, but from my personal experience as a woman, it has gone too far. My girlfriends who have sons have worried for years about all the negativity aimed at men by feminists. And as a mother of daughters, it hasn't help our girls, either. All I hear Matt saying is that feminists need to take a look at the movement to see where it may have gone off course. It's never a bad thing to own up to one's mistakes and make a course correction.

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Aug 20, 2023
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Indeed. Here is one example from the Seattle YMCA and Human Rights Campaign:

Celebrating Gender-Inclusive Feminism

According to the Human Rights Campaign, “Feminism must account for all the unique and specific ways women are marginalized. This includes race, gender, sexuality and more. Racism informs transphobia, which then informs sexism and so on and so forth.”

In honor of Women's History Month, our Women/Femme Employee Resource Network (ERN) are redefining how we perceive feminism. We will explore how we can become more gender inclusive, as we continue our journey towards becoming an antiracist organization.

In our work together, the Women/Femme ERN has partnered with their teams across the Y to center leaders and innovators who are tackling big issues like period poverty and swim equity -- and sometimes both at the same time!

Together we will expand our definitions and perceptions of who menstruates, helping us understand how class, gender, gender identity, sexuality, race and ethnicity come together to create period poverty. We will work towards helping those who menstruate learn what products are available when they want to swim or engage in physical activity.

Please join us as we learn together, support and love one another, and work on our collective strength “muscle” together to create a better world for all.


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