Congratulations on your hard work coming to fruition. And may I say, what perfect timing, with next year’s election drama about to explode all over us.

This seems like a great stocking stuffer to me!

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Is there a plan to get this book into the hands of federal and state Democrat political officials? If yes, can we contribute financially or otherwise? If no, any suggestions on how to make this happen at the state level so that we don’t have many people duplicating the effort? I’d be happy to take the lead in my state which is MA.

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Also in MA; it's so hard to get through the brainwashing here. And I say that as one of the formerly brainwashed!

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Brava, Kara! And second your motion: “Come on, Democrat Party leadership, you can do this. It’s time.”

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Congratulations. I read this through with a broad smile at 7.30 am in NZ, a country whose political Left went as hard Right for gender ideology as any ever did, and under a female, ostensibly feminist leader. We have just elected a hard right (evangelical Christian, anti-abortion, tax cuts for the rich) govt with almost half of the Left losing their seats in parliament. Our Women's Rights Party formed after the shameful Let Women Speak rally in Auckland when Posie was almost trampled to death, got zero positive and accurate mainstream media attention and only 2,700 votes. I hope you can save your Left from itself with this brilliant and timely book; we in the rest of the West tend to take our political and cultural lead from the US. We all desperately need this Reckoning that shows, possibly for the first time, the true and disastrous depths of misogyny in our so-called progressive countries. Really love that you 'identify' up front as a 'radical feminist'. Radical we absolutely must be to defend the human rights of female humans.

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Well from a distance sure seems like NZ voted for liberty for all humans. That’s a good start!

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Not for feminists, atheists - the poor and middle income. But sure; we got the wokerati out.

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Abortion is a choice. NZ has had it since 70s. Any thing happens I’m sure plenty of donations to head to Australia. Women spaces is NOT a personal choice. As for religious beliefs of PM....can’t believe that would even be an issue. Those who believe have a vertical belief in higher power. We humans are not such horizontal moral creatures. And the guy is a successful businessman. To help others you need a bigger pie. Growth has what’s made America great. No growth is painful.

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So glad this book will be a physical reality soon! And on a New Moon in Scorpio, no less! Time is excellent for a new beginning in the fight for reality of sex. Congratulations on all the hard work and clear thinking you have done...!

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On Amazon, there are several books, videos, whatever called The Reckoning, so you need to enter Kara Dansky in the search bar to find her book!

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Awesome! Congratulations on this incredibly important piece of work.

I'm guessing the cover image is AI generated. Possibly just heavily filtered and edited though. Kind of creepy.

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Amazon already has it in stock!

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Will it be available for pre-order soon for Kindle? If I buy one more physical book I will need a bigger home, LOL.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

It is already available on Amazon! Check it out. But only paper. Not Kindle.

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