Feeling very protective of my Jewish friends right now, and I tell them. Can’t make any sense of the quoted email, but the person is an idiot.

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PS Just bought your book.

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I am deeply sorry that you received this egregious and vile email, Kara. What a reminder that our world is so full of the evil of antisemitism. You are a strong and courageous woman, and may our world be populated by many, many more like you!!!

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The email you received is so despicably warped it’s hard to find words. We all stand with you, Kara. Thank you for all you are and all you do.

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Am I angrier than you? I’m so pissed off at this vile antisemitic bullshit that I see all day, everyday on SM. Shabbat Shalom!

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Wow...just, wow...reading that took my breath away. While it's clearly unhinged, it's also deeply disturbing that someone would write that and send it to you. Damn antisemitism...it's insidious, illogical and deeply disturbing to hate an entire group people, let alone those who've endured pogroms and a fucking Holocaust. I feel a bit unhinged myself thinking too much on it.

Thank you for doing all your feminist work, despite how the exposure puts you in the crossfires.

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We have similar roots, Kara, including the length of time our ancestors have lived in the U.S. I was raised to be hyper aware of anti-Semitism, so nothing about the present moment surprises me. My mother said she didn’t trust anybody who wasn’t Jewish, and although I don’t share her level of mistrust, I understand where she was coming from given the degree of anti-Semitism she experienced.

Anti-Semitism never goes away, it festers in the cracks, filling an existential hole in the souls of small, miserable people who need someone to blame for their failures. We’ve been living complacently since the second World War ended, and that epoch is now over.

Thank you for continuing to focus fearlessly on what matters, and for spending almost no time on the idiot. You are a righteous woman.

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Beeswax: Well said. FYI, it's letter writing time again. See below and pass it on!

I have just learned that there is what looks to be an extremely bad proposed federal foster care regulation on which comments are due 11/28. Here’s the information I have:

To be approved for placement, prospective foster parents are, among other things, “expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.” Here’s the federal register link: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/09/28/2023-21274/safe-and-appropriate-foster-care-placement-requirements-for-titles-iv-e-and-iv-b

I have submitted a comment. Here is the text. I urge everyone to do so. You don't need to be an expert, and you can comment anonymously:

I write as a staunch Democrat and also a lesbian, which I indicate so there can be no mistake about my perspective, to beg of you not to proceed with this change in regulations until you have fully acquainted yourself with the harms that are being caused by inappropriately applied "gender affirming care." Foster children are at particular risk for confusion about their sex and sexuality and can easily be swept into thinking they are born in the wrong body, when the cause, if examined properly through thoughtful mental health therapy, may likely lie elsewhere.

As just one example, the proposed regulations state, with regard to prospective foster parents, "For example, to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child's identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.”

This is what is called "social transition." The eminent British pediatrician, Dr. Hillary Cass, in her interim report on gender identity services for children and young people, found of social transition that “this may not be thought of as an intervention or treatment, because it is not something that happens within health services. However, it is important to view it as an active intervention because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning. There are different views on the benefits versus the harms of early social transition. Whatever position one takes, it is important to acknowledge that it is not a neutral act, and better information is needed about outcomes. "https://cass.independent-review.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Cass-Review-Interim-Report-Final-Web-Accessible.pdf

Ill-considered regulations like the one proposed here have the potential to consign children whose distress is caused by other factors to life-long medical interventions which cause them harm and do not resolve the underlying issues.

What is needed here is to step back from regulations like this and conduct a systemic review like that which has been done in many enlightened European countries. Only from that point will it be possible to determine the best approach in caring for these vulnerable children.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Thanks, Susan. I'm happy to participate.

"Safe and appropriate foster care." Who comes up with these euphemisms?

I'll use your response as a template.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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So fighting misogyny is both Jewish and anti-Jewish?

And fighting misogyny is also promoting misogyny?


TRAs use exactly the same kind of mirror-logic about feminists: "Men are women, therefore feminism is misogyny."

None of these loons has the foggiest idea what either Jewishness or misogyny is. They're just firing mindless hatred into the void.

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Awful, crazy stuff.

In complete solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people

Shalom and hugs

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Woah - some serious crazy people out there!!!

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That’s an understatement! Are they crazy or just plain disgusting, ignorant hateful creatures?

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Very hard to tell what motivates that kind of anonymous vitriol. As much as it is our gut instinct to dehumanise nut jobs like this fruit loop, I do believe that even hateful people speak from a world view that makes sense to them. What a miserable life this bloke (guessing) must lead.

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My 75 year old cousin always says ”the last idiot has not yet been born.” They just keep coming, and they are often drawn to lash out at whatever they do not understand or contradicts their beliefs.

I can’t understand what this particular idiot was saying to you, but the all caps thing just makes her seem mentally unbalanced.

I wish there were some way to report such email harrassment or threats that actually amounted to something, some action. Can you report such a thing emailed as hate speech? Maybe worth trying.

Please be careful out there on this tour. Things seem really chaotic and crazy right now in the world, in a way that feels like the cosmos are rapid firing difficulties. I feel like you could use body guards at some of the events you attend. Just for peace of mind.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

You're right, feminists put themselves in harm's way in order to protest anti-woman policies and to confront trans activists. It takes true bravery and courage to stand out there without a suit of armor. I'm reminded of the Suffragettes who risked death and torture in prison for my right to vote. And the risk of assault is real. Since at least 2020, the police decided to defund itself and ignore property damage and assault during demonstrations. It could be safer to have bodyguards, but bodyguards are also a provocation to the Antifa types who attend protests for the express purpose of hurting someone. The sight of a bunch of feminists surrounded by bodyguards would be very hard to resist.

Speech may be the single thorniest topic in all of jurisprudence. Whose speech is privileged? Who decides? Who gets to punish, and how much? We still have the First Amendment, although sadly there's great enthusiasm these days to curtail or abolish it in order to create a consistent "narrative" that suits the policies of the party in power.

There's no good solution, since as you say, it's really chaotic and crazy right now.

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I feel like we only have the first amendment in theory. I no longer have much faith in our constitutional rights. It’s ironic that the ACLU defended the right of the KKK to march and speak not too far back, but it does not support women’s rights. Speaks volumes.

It’s all so grim.

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You're quite right. But it's not just the ACLU, although that's bad enough.

I have a feeling I'm in the minority here, but I'm no longer a progressive. It was the New York Times' abandonment of the First Amendment in 2020 that forced me to reassess the meaning of that label. First, the Times fired its chief opinion editor, James Bennet, for publishing an opinion by Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Alabama; then the Times forced the resignation of another opinion editor, Bari Weiss, by refusing to defend her when she asked for support in dealing with anti-Semitic workplace harassment.

Both incidents were precipitated by the Times' woke staff, which deemed unacceptable the publication of right-leaning opinions in the Opinions column, of all places. The inmates had taken charge of the asylum. It was an eye-opening moment for me that signaled a sea change in the way progressive institutions would deal with speech going forward.

Case in point: NY Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul has created a social media monitoring system to protect us from "hate speech." As a Jew I feel safer already. There's no possibility that such a law will be used to cancel or harass people with a range of disparate political views, maybe even comments like this one right here, is there?


(By the way, Hochul supports admitting men to women's prisons. https://nypost.com/2022/01/19/hochul-wants-transgender-inmates-to-choose-prisons-for-housing/)

When ideology takes precedence over the Bill of Rights, we're in big trouble. And please, don't tell me it's Donald Trump's fault. There is never a reason to abandon first principles. In fact, that's why the Founding Fathers wrote them down...or did I miss something?

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It is bizarre and unsettling to have realized in the last few years that our Bill of Rights is less valuable than toilet paper now. I always had faith that it meant something. I never realized that overnight we would realize it apparently does not.

It’s scary how brainwashed younger generations are now, as there will be no dissent. They are all in it. They never had a chance.

I used to be a media activist, and was focused on advertising and how powerful and insidious it was, and now it’s just permeated every aspect of our lives.

It’s not somethiing that happened overnight. It’s been brewing for decades. This DEI movement is reminiscent of McCarthyism. Sign a pledge of loyalty and never question or stray, or youll be sorry.

I feel that everything these rich, privileged faux progressives do is regressive as fuck, and ending free speech and forbidding debate is preventing people from addressing it. But a lot of us don’t rely on the system for our pay, so we can still speak truth without too much fear, though I have been doxxed for it, and have had moments where the unsettled trantifa types come looking for me IRL. Because they are all apparently sociopaths.

It’s spooky to be seeing Brave New World and 1984 merge into our actual current western world system. I am hoping someone can monkeywrench it and fast. It’s hard to find hope these days.

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Of course I agree with you. The country has become unhinged, and it was by design. Awful.

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DEI means 'diversity, equity and inclusion'. it's a GOOD thing--what's left of Affirmative Action, that leveled the playing field (a bit) for those who have experienced bias in the U.S. for centuries (Black people and women, primarily). Why is there so much right wing nonsense on this feminist substack? If you're FOR women, you should be FOR "DEI"!

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It’s not a good thing, that is the problem. Another problem is that there are folks like yourself who think that someone who opposes DEI is right wing, when in fact, it is more likely that I understand all the great harm this has done while solving exactly no pproblems, simply creating a climate of fear in schools and work places.

In the interest of having an open mind to understanding what has been happening behind the scenes, I’d like to suggest a really good book (written by a lifelong progressive, just like me!) called ”What’s Our Problem.” By Tim Urban. He also has a blog and podcast. His writing is engaging but methodical, and it is all well researched and documented.

Too many people are failing to know or understand what has been happening. Read that book, it takes us from roughtly the 50’s until now in a way that explains how we came to this ”us vs. Them” situation that is allowing the charlatans who run things to expoit everyone to the fullest for their power and profit.

DEI promotes a lot of regressive ideas, it creates divisiions, it allows children (students and otherwise) to be engaged in a crusade to literally destroy people’s lives based on common sense responses, or in some case utter nonesense like trying to objectively teach instead of always 100% preaching what the rich, white architects of DEI have implemented as a policy of reporting anyone who you feel engaged in ”wrong think.”

It is also responsible for places like Harvard no longer teaching rape law because the little spoiled brats in their woke armbands cry ”I’m triggered” and no professor wants to risk the axe when the little woke brownshirts march in.

It is causing true leftists, intellectuals and anyone sane to despise democrats and the fauxgressives who have not a clue.

Educate yourself before you come accusing opponents of DEI of being right wing. That is untrue and shows how little you know.

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Karen is correct. DEI is a total, regressive, divisive failure.

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Despicable comments from an apparently very confused person. I wish it were easy to slough them off and I hope you can.

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I’m wondering if calling this insane serves to excuse the Jew hating; and also to put the Jew hating outside of non lunatic society? A bit like calling rapists monsters, as though rape (like antisemitism) isn’t endemic.

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My deepest sympathies are with those such as yourself who are subjected to the vile ignorance displayed by so many Americans on this issue. The most vile antisemitism I’ve been exposed to was the WASP Pentecostalism I was exposed to in my family of origin during the Satanic Panic. They’re Zionist and have crazy (IMO) ideas about some final battle that they think needs to take place in the ancient Holy Land, in order for their scriptural analysis (if you want to call it that!) to be fulfilled. I have taken it upon myself in recent months (like many others, I’m sure) to find out more about Jewish Zionism because I only know of the antisemitic WASP variety. Your face is a pleasure for me personally to look upon because I see intelligence, strength, and determination there, and when you smile, I know indeed that (as my KJK pen says), “Women will win this war.” Shalom! ☮️❤️🐾

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Jumping in here to sound the alarm about what looks to be an extremely bad proposed federal foster care regulation on which comments are due 11/28. If anyone sees this, please send it around to anyone who you think might be able to comment in time. Here’s the information I have:

To be approved for placement, prospective foster parents must, among other things, do this: “Providers are ‘expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.’” Here’s a link to an article Leor Sapir posted: https://fedsoc.org/commentary/fedsoc-blog/non-affirmation-of-child-s-lgbtqi-identity-is-abuse-under-proposed-foster-care-rule and here’s the federal register link: https://fedsoc.org/commentary/fedsoc-blog/non-affirmation-of-child-s-lgbtqi-identity-is-abuse-under-proposed-foster-care-rule

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I have submitted a comment. Here is the text. I urge everyone to do so. You don't need to be an expert, though all here most likely are:

I write as a staunch Democrat and also a lesbian, which I indicate so there can be no mistake about my perspective, to beg of you not to proceed with this change in regulations until you have fully acquainted yourself with the harms that are being caused by inappropriately applied "gender affirming care." Foster children are at particular risk for confusion about their sex and sexuality and can easily be swept into thinking they are born in the wrong body, when the cause, if examined properly through thoughtful mental health therapy, may likely lie elsewhere.

As just one example, the proposed regulations state, with regard to prospective foster parents, "For example, to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child's identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.”

This is what is called "social transition." The eminent British pediatrician, Dr. Hillary Cass, in her interim report on gender identity services for children and young people, found of social transition that “this may not be thought of as an intervention or treatment, because it is not something that happens within health services. However, it is important to view it as an active intervention because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning. There are different views on the benefits versus the harms of early social transition. Whatever position one takes, it is important to acknowledge

that it is not a neutral act, anda better information is needed about outcomes. "https://cass.independent-review.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Cass-Review-Interim-Report-Final-Web-Accessible.pdf

Ill-considered regulations like the one proposed here have the potential to consign children whose distress is caused by other factors to life-long medical interventions which cause them harm and do not resolve the underlying issues.

What is needed here is to step back from regulations like this and conduct a systemic review like that which has been done in many enlightened European countries. Only from that point will it be possible to determine the best approach in caring for these vulnerable children.

Thank you for your consideration.

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My Nigel's grandparents also came from Ukraine & Russia at the turn of the 20th century. He isn't surprised by the outpouring of left-wing anti-semitism disguised as opposition to the policies of a single democratically-elected government of a sovereign state. He sends his greetings and solidarity, and hopes you will be safe.

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