Incredible, passionate, thoughtful response! And nice jabs. Keep up the fight.

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Powerful piece Kara. I have just followed those amazing women that I wasn't up until I read your piece.

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Thank you so much, Kara, for your work and highlighting how amazing women across the US are. (They are everywhere, but "KJK in the USA: Let Women Speak" takes place in the US.) Our strength and courage are inspirational and deserve acknowledgement.

I am the woman who flew across the country twice, to LA and NYC. It was a privilege to do so and I will do it again as opportunity presents. LA was tame, and in NYC the Antifa/TRA protest was off the rails. Almost all of the very few news reports misrepresented us and what Antifa was doing, with the Fox News interview with Jeanna Hoch being the most accurate.

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Well said, Kara. I've been a great admirer of Jeni's writing but her many public attacks on KJK have appalled me and I was very dismayed by her response to the video, which I haven't finished watching yet because I've been so upset seeing what my brave sisters on your side of the Pond have had to endure. :-(

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Same here. I admired her so much and am disappointed to see her disparaging women who are in the struggle.

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Love this:

“ I also get that you and some other Brits simply like to dismiss all things American. I suppose this is a convenient and facile way of posturing as our superiors, and that might make you feel better about that embarrassing loss of tea in Boston Harbor (Harbour, if that’s important to you), followed by the embarrassing loss of the colonies, followed by the awkward loss of the Empire. Sure. But that cheap posturing is not new; it’s unremarkable. And I suppose I need to state the obvious - your posture is tiresome, provincial, and politically stupid, unless your primary loyalties are to something or someone other than the interests of all women as a sex class”


I’ve hit my limit with Europeans who do this (usually Brits). I want to say, tell it to all the immigrants, including my still British partner who has been here for 25 years and knows to go back to the UK is to return to a country with no future and little hope of doing well as climate and political disasters loom.

And in case the Brits or Europeans are unaware, YOU colonized this land and murdered indigenous people and created the USA. Then people here, who came to escape the shitty old countries that treated them so badly, kicked out the British Monarchy and won a war.

And as to the point of the ugly women (in spirit/values) who denounce women who speak for women, we have a name for that: Ball-palming handmaiden.

The same tragic women who fully do the bidding of patriarchy, when it is in a dress and wig or otherwise, are the ones telling young women it is “empowering” to be a “sex worker” (read: prositute, often groomed and trafficked). So they are so brilliant they think having some strangers dick (always a man’s even if he wears a dress and make-up) down your throat +power, and can’t see how backward that is, and that is indicator enough of how little we should value their opinions.

They can babysit the trans identifying mentals as their physical health devolves under the care of the medical industry, and they should remember to wear their red robes and not refer to themselves in any way that might trigger the men who are so much more oppressed because “identity.” I mean, someone is going to have to help the victims of the trans lie into their final identity as a statistic of a failed medical experiment, right? Let it be her.

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LOVE your rant!

Thank you.

Your courage calls to mine.

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actually I think most of the murdering of indigenuous people was done after Americans dumped the Brits.

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Actually, my British military ancestor who bragged about taking part in that, during the French & Indian War, would point out that it's unhelpful to trivialize his role in destroying the Native Americans who originally defended their continent against the British. By the time 1776 came around, the decimation of Native Americans was an avalanche--set off by the British.

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If we are going to exchange cultural virtue signalling tit for tat, perhaps having the humility to concede that the USA has been the major incubator of Wokeism (CRT and Trans gender ideology=Critical Social Justice Theory= Woke) the ideology that has spread it perniciousness outward to other western liberal democracies? Representing the most virulent attack on womens rights in over 100 years? Resulting in tens of thousands of vulnerable children being mutilated?

Even Putin took the opportunity to address the Russian people last month to bolster up patriotism amongst his nation by referring to the “poison of the West” and specifically to trans gender ideology and the cultural corruption of people who “no longer know whether men are Men and women are Women”.

It will definitely be irksome for proud Americans but much of the rest of the world are pretty judgemental about the poison that festered in your Universities that has spilled out into medicine, childrens education and institutions of government.

Quite apart from Jeni Harveys puerile opinions, it has to be handed to the British, and to Kellie Jay Keen that they have put up the most sterling resistance to Critical Social Justice Theory anywhere and are the only western liberal democracy to date that seems to be effectively pushing back with success.

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America called.

They want you to come collect Lavery.

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Thank you for the Twitter handles of remarkable women to follow. Thank you for your passionate retort to a snide comment about your incredible sisters, who face obstacles and dangers that worry us on your behalf. Thank you for your rebuttal of an unnecessarily negative viewpoint. This is something we see too often, with women taking their eyes off the ball and criticising other women doing their best to combat the trans-identifying male ‘space invaders’ whose arrogance and entitlement are off the scale. Instead let’s uphold all the women, yea, even the ones we don’t like, working hard to restore women’s sex category, our name as women, and our rights to single-sex spaces, which really matter. We are slowly winning here on Terf Island, covered as we are by our Equality Act and our legal ability to exclude men in important instances. We hail each of your ‘law fare’ victories, in the courts and in the states that care to support you. You are all incredible women, whose “courage calls to courage everywhere and its voice cannot be denied.”

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Alison, this is a beautiful, powerful call to action. And let it be known that the women of TERF Island are a constant motivation and inspiration to those of us on the other side of the pond. Thank you.

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I have my political disagreements with WoLF and Kellie Jay Keen and certainly would not defend every word Kellie has said. Calling someone a “pervert” is not helpful. But the dismissing of all the work that went into the tour and on the whole positive protests for women’s rights she has organized on both sides of the Atlantic frankly sounds quite sectarian to my ears. Women’s rights fighters need unity in action, whether about traditional feminist issues like abortion rights or the ERA, or opposing sex denialism and defending women’s spaces, programs, language and status as a sex class in need of civil rights protection. My biggest criticism of the US tour is that more time and advanced notice and planning may have been needed on the ground to maximize participation. Building protests in the streets is a key way we are going to stop the encroachments of gender identity ideology or to win back legal abortion for that matter. If Kellie ever comes to San Diego I’ll be there and help organize an event and bring along the half a dozen local FIST members and whoever else I can muster.

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Ann, I so appreciate what you’ve written here. I, too, have my political differences with Kellie Jay Keen, but, speaking as a former union organizer, I believe she is the single most effective grass roots organizer we have today, on either side of the pond. Her clarity and simplicity of message and her unrelenting centering of women and girls are unparalleled. Her methods for bucking women up and encouraging them to find their voice are brilliant, “be the billboard” and “TERF talk Tuesdays” among them, and her closing “we will win/I never lose” mantra for all events and videos is just superb. (BTW, to anyone who hasn’t watched the lovely film of the Glasgow event, I highly recommend it.) In viewing the beautifully made film on the US, and the extent to which, at almost every location, the Let Women Speak folks seemed to be outnumbered and shouted down, I, too, wondered what might have helped, and I think you have hit upon one of the reasons that may have been. In the US, it doesn’t seem to me that, as yet, we have enough of a critical mass, but I hope that will come in time.

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Here, BTW, is a link to the video of the Glasgow event: https://youtu.be/bJ8ygetXvhM There were several things at work that made this so successful, one of which what it looks like when a critical mass has developed and inspired to act. (There were other things at play, too: look how the police dealt with the protesters, eg; and of course the events in Scotland were well-timed to bring people out.)

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If you're a man in a dress and decide to bring your minor child to protest against women speaking up for their rights. So that he can speak up against women's rights on your behalf. Then you are a super pervert.

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Two words. Internalized misogyny. It seems common among women. And it must be eradicated if we have any hope of winning.

For that matter most men have internalized misandry. This culture produces people who hate themselves, their sex, each other. It's how this economy seems to function. We can't have all of us content with our sexed bodies, able to care for ourselves and our children without government, media or corporations directing us what to do. How would any corporation make money???

Thank you for all that you do Kara.

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I love this, Kara. Absolutely love it.

American women are REMARKABLE.

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Being honest, she seems like a small woman typically classist -- thus she doesn't or even can't see the good that Kellie-Jay does. (KJ hasn't the right accent. She hasn't an Oxbridge degree.) And I wonder given how little attention the post got that you wrote this piece about her. She is after all unremarkable.

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Righteous rant!

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