Another excellent choice for FFS Friday! What these women accomplished, and in such a short time, is tremendously inspiring in so many ways. Most, so far as I know, had never stood for office before—and the ones I was able to hear speak (through video clips) were all terrific. The campaign overall was smart, tightly focused, and realistic about its goals. Through this effort, they got the word out at thousands of doors and provided a foundation on which to build. Bravas to all, and to KJK, who had the genius and determination to make this a reality.

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Just wow that police can be free to say such things. May I then also say “punch a pig” when referring to cops?

I dream of a day when the kids they did this to rise up and sue the ever loving fuck out of these woman hating creeps.

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I’m reminded of Asterix, the comical French cartoon about the Gauls. In one episode, Asterix is at a government building to get a permit and the mindless bureaucracy and incompetence nearly drive him crazy. He decides to turn the mindlessness back on them and confuse them. Anyone can relate. If I ever have to interact with anyone using the lingo, I’m going to hit them with an entirely new lexicon, similar to the tactics of Asterix. This will include made-up terms such as pelvic-appendage havers, white-substance excreters, prostate carriers, apple throats and fur removers. If they don’t keep up I’ll tell them they are haters and bigots. I have much admiration for all those you mentioned above for persisting in this work.

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BeadleBlog---great post. You are 1000% correct. The lexicon need to be changed in medicine for men. Brilliant!

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Thank you. I’m really tired of this lunacy and the only way, imo, to make it go away is to make them go all the way.

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pelvic-appendage havers, white-substance excreters, prostate carriers, apple throats and fur removers.... LMFAO.... brilliant.

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I apologize to all decent men, which are most of them. Time to fight fire with fire. There’s too much playing defense and I believe we would make more headway using their rules and applying it to everything.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

I am shocked at how the U.K. police responded to calls for help. I hope there is some sort of recourse. These police officers need to be sacked. KJK and her colleagues have displayed incredible courage and I applaud them and pray they keep up their efforts to protect women and girls.

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Why don't women have the right to have a say in their rights anymore? If trans women are women don't they support women's rights, and the right to have an opinion about your their rights? This insane logic makes no sense. I support women under oppressive circumstances in all corners of the world, and that includes my own. I have the right to have an opinion about my rights, identity, body and safety. Bravo to the party of women. They are fierce! I have no doubt that we will win this war on women. I will never give up.

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Always an inspiration Kara---and your honoring of our sisters in the UK is right on target.

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So yesterday our oldest daughter (16) had her annual physical at Kaiser (Which I know, is terrible. But it's convenient. And I stay vigilant). On top of the normal paperwork to find out if she's cleared to play sports (she plays on an all girls hockey team) there was an entire sheet asking about her "gender identity" her "sex assigned at birth" and all that nonsense. I wrote quite the response! For starters, I crossed out "sex assigned" and wrote in the margins "sex is not assigned, that is stupid" and "sex is determined at conception and eventually observed. Kaiser needs to read a biology book" and for "gender identity" I wrote "I (my daughter) is a human female. Figure it out". The doctor (who I just get woke vibes, I've developed at kind of gaydar, but for gender woo) when she read my responses you could see the shock on her face. I don't think she knew what to make of it. She cleared my daughter as perfectly healthy and got out of there as fast as possible. HA!

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