June 21, 2024
FFS (Female Free Speech) Friday honors women and girls who are speaking out about the harms that “gender identity” poses to women and girls as a sex class. FFS Friday posts are free and shareable. If you would like access to content that delves deeper into the movement to protect the sex-based rights of women and girls and to stop the abolition of sex, please consider a paid subscription.
The mission of the WDI USA Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus is to advocate for women and girls who previously believed they had a so-called “gender identity” by sharing our own stories and learning from the women who came before us.
Today’s FFS Friday honors the Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus of Women’s Declaration International USA (WDI USA). The caucus’s mission is to advocate for women and girls who previously believed they had a so-called ‘gender identity’ by sharing their own stories and learning from the women who came before them.
They are: Elizabeth Chesak (coordinator), Céline Calame, and Fernanda Lopez.
A few weeks ago, the caucus issued a statement applauding the Arizona state legislature for passing SB 1511, the Detransitioner Bill of Rights, which would have required that health insurers that provide coverage for so-called “gender transition” procedures also cover detransition procedures. The bill would have ensured that women (and men) who harm their bodies at the altar of “gender identity” before coming to accept themselves as their sex would have treatment to help them heal from that harm.
In a craven and cowardly move, earlier this week, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed the measure, depriving these young people of necessary medical care. Detransitioner Chloe Cole said in a press release:
I have experienced first-hand the destruction that the gender transitioning industry can wreck on children. Our kids deserve to know that the same industry that abused them will be required to help them rebuild and restore their bodies. Clearly, Gov. Hobbs has a different agenda. Not only does her veto signal complete disregard for the children who have been preyed upon by this industry, but she also reveals her tacit support for the reputation Arizona is gaining as the nation’s emerging hub for the mutilation of minors. That may be a badge Gov. Hobbs is proud to wear, but I am confident that the vast majority of Arizonians will be deeply ashamed, as I am today.
The caucus has its own Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Bill of Rights (DDBOR), the purpose of which is to describe the rights, reality, and political potential of desisted and detransitioned women, consistent with radical feminist principles.
One member of the caucus, Céline Calame, has published her story of learning to accept herself as female. She did so one year after reading about Jamie Reed’s explosive whistle-blowing on the Missouri clinic where she worked. Celene says:
Gender ideology ruined my childhood. I wonder today what would have happened had I never been exposed to the rhetoric online or had therapists pressed me as to where I was getting these ideas. Today I know that being a woman is just about being female. It has nothing to do with the way she dresses, the way she sits, or the way she walks, talks, and lives her life. My mother is relieved to have her daughter back.
To the women of the WDI USA Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus: today’s FFS Friday is for you. Never stop speaking out about your lives and your experiences as women. Thank you for all you do!
The "craven and cowardly" Governor Hobbs is (of course) a Democrat.
99% of Democrats holding elected state office and 100% of Democrats holding elected federal office are wholly-owned puppets of the transqueer cult.
Any elected Democrat who deviates in the slightest from transqueer cult orthodoxy is primaried and (usually) removed. Shawn Nicole Thierry in the Texas House is the most recent apostate to be so dispatched.
I've been a registered Democrat for 50 years (and still am), but I will never again vote for any of these brainless puppets.