This precisely why the numbers of Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender are growing! Di-Ag.org

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While I am a conservative, I hope that democrat politicians will soon begin to see they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. I pray they will begin to realize the horrific damage gender ideology has caused and is causing to the youth of our country. I hope they will see, and publicly acknowledge, the significant damage it is doing to women’s spaces and places. Thanks for sharing this Kara. #SaveWomensSports

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Thank you for this, I’m a new subscriber. I hope you don’t mind but I’ll be mining your Substack (and crediting you) to make my point to the powers that be here in my state and at a federal level.

Thanks again and more power to you.

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Brava Lorraine, and shame, shame, shame on Himes for his cowardice. FFS Fridays is an excellent addition to your already excellent Substack, Kara. Thank you so much!

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Someday (and that day is coming soon) they WILL have to answer questions from tax paying citizens. Ignoring the rights of half the population is not a long term plan for success. They cannot defend their religious, faith based beliefs that are ANTI DEMOCRATIC. Taking rights away from people (rights that were fought for and won) is NOT democracy.

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Again the logic is……although you care about women spaces and rights….they have your vote! They know it….by making abortion canter stage. The Paris Olympics are in a few months, let’s see if any biological males win medals. If so I’m sure they will be on cover of Time magazine (what a rag magazine that has become).

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