I just sent this to the National Woman's Law center. This religious organization that believes women should have no say in their rights. Just like the Taliban.

In your mandate that the opposite sex be allowed in female spaces and sports, do women have a say in any of this, or should these decisions about their rights, identity and safety be made by other people? Do you support democracy, where every voice matters, or is this more of an authoritarian organization? Your desire to change science and definitions is a dangerous precedent to set. You are allowing future people in power to have the right to change definitions and bend science to their ideology. This is dangerous for trans people. If this topic is so important, let's put it on he ballot and let the people decide. Should "women" become an open category that anyone can join in? I support democracy not authoritarianism. You have a lot in common with the Taliban. They also believe that women should have no say in decisions made about their fate.

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Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to write to the National "Women's" Law Center. It's an excellent letter! I remember a time when that organization actually represented women's interests. Now, after a bit of intimidation, it's become a shill for faux pink, women hating drag crowd.

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The last two years have been an out- of- body- experience seeing and hearing people discuss our bodies, change our medical terms for our body parts, giving them pet porn names, so that men don't feel left out that they weren't "assigned" a vagina at birth. Men in lipstick on social media discussing our intimate biological functions, as if they have any clue. Social media sensations obsessing over tampons ( things that go up inside us) our government, organizations for women and medical non profits changing laws, definitions and policy, without even thinking to ask women how they feel about it. It's unbelievable. I've coined a new term: WERF, Woman-Erasing-Radical-Fascist. The NWLC are that. They're not going to advocate to have my rights taken away without my voice being heard.

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The term WERF has a nice ring to it. Captures their essence nicely

I like it.

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Thank you. They have all these names and terms for us, so I say we hit back.

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Another sterling FFS Friday choice! And, Kara, I hope you are feeling much better!

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