This bears repeating, to and for these two marvelous, courageous girls: “To Kaitlyn and Taylor, if you’re reading this: you should not have to be doing this. The adults in positions of authority should not be putting you in this position. But you’re doing the right thing, and countless women and girls all over the world will have your backs. Today’s FFS Friday is for you.” 💯💯💯💯💯

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DITTO DITTO DITTO. Thank you Kaitlyn and Taylor for your courage. We salute you. We have your backs!!

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This so offensive ! To women , yes as usual but it is also offensive to Jews !

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Seriously, from the first time someone referred to me as a nazi or told me the world will be a better place when I am dead because I understand and am committed to speaking that no man will ever be a woman, all I could think was “what will these people do when they encounter true nazis, fascists, and the like?”

Then I realized: the people saying that stuff ARE the nazis and fascists. THEY are the ones that want to see women like us eradicated, call us vermin and scum, and feel we deserve all manner of violence and death.

It’s shocking, and I am not easily shocked.

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It is horribly shocking. These men openly advocate for the genocide of women.

And they do kill us--in Berkeley, David Warefield viciously slaughtered a lesbian couple and their adopted African son, then set fire to their house, because the women were long-time attendees of Mitchfest and one of the women wouldn't call him a lesbian. It took six years to come to trial, as his lawyers kept trying to find a doctor to declare him mentally-incompetence. They failed. He was convicted almost immediately. He is now housed in a women's prison.

And that's only one case, out of all the scores of horrifying cases researched in detail by Reduxx.

Every time someone accuses me of being a Nazi or fascist, I say, "Thank you for bringing that up!" and post these links below. The Nazis were so obsessed with transvestitism that someone published a whole book of photos:



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I'm working with a nonprofit coordinating athletes, parents, coaches and others to solve the problem of males participating in, battering and beating girls and women in female sports. Republican states have an injunction against the Harris/Biden reversal of Title IX but Democratic-led states are entrenched in the promotion of male rights above female..

We have also written a federal bill to address this and other problems caused by gender ideology. The purpose is to #ReverseTheReversalofTitleIX that Biden accomplished via executive overreach.

We hope to intercede before Trump swoops in and "saves the day" with a presidential signing statement. Trump still uses expressions like "sex assigned at birth." We believe if he takes a limited approach with poorly crafted, inaccurate language, it will make the problem worse. Attorneys general in blue states will simply sue over his signing statement and tie the issue up for years more. Youth in Oregon and other Democratic-led states will still suffer. We want to build a broad based coalition from the Left and Right to engage Americans in support of a comprehensive solution from female athletics to privacy and other sex-based rights.

If you want to connect to help the nonprofit or the federal bill, message me via substack.

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Trump may also be susceptible to high-donating flatterers who wish to continue the grift. Things are not in the clear yet.

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The only clear thing about Trump has always been that the only thing he respects and cares about is money and his own ego.

I will not be surprised at all when he does nothing about this. The richest of the rich are the ones pushing it.

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Trumpster James Pritzker, of Pritzker pharmaceuticals, is one of the tiny handful of men financing this whole lobby.

Jennifer Bilek has followed the money: the11thhourblog.com

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Trump is nothing if not susceptible to high-donating flatterers.

The Dem TERF lawyer Kara Dansky has discussed what he's promised to do, what he can do, and what he is likely to do on her substack. It is WELL worth subscribing.

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Tulsi Gabbard has made her pro-woman views on trans ideology well known.

From three years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-bGKEG-7C4

She has Trump's ear and could be influential. Maybe a letter writing campaign to her?

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She's great, isn't she? We want to connect with her to ask her to convince Trump to use our bill instead of a signing statement. Anyone who has connections to her, please let us know.

I met her once when she was younger. I was in Hawaii protesting for same-sex marriage and she was on the opposite side of the street protesting it against it with a group her father organized. I went over there and talked to her for about an hour with my sweet baby son sitting on my hip. I talked about all the reasons why gay and lesbian parents needed a contract to protect their (mostly heterosexual) children.

I don't know if it was my words or his adorable imploring face, but she ended up deciding she was on the wrong side of the issue and she stopped protesting against marriage equality. She's smart, she can admit when she's wrong, she's honest and ethical and honorable. I can't wait to vote for her for president. In the meantime, we need to find a way to reach her.

Feel free to do your magic substack readers and help us with the nonprofit or the bill or the connections to Tulsi.

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She IS great. If I hold out any hope of positive gains during the second Trump administration it’s because of Tulsi. She is fearless and principled and lives not by lies. “Russian asset” my middle finger.

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If she gets charge of the intelligence service, maybe she can take a look at Rachel Levine's hard drive.

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Agree it’s important to do this right.

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Call me cynical, but given how quickly the left goes to jeers when the female athletes who protest against male inclusion are white girls, especially when they're blonde (because that aligns with what it seen as being popular on Fox News), I'm wondering how things would change if we started seeing Black female athletes speaking out in the media. While they make up a smaller percentage of female athletes, they are very affected in terms of opportunity.

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I hope ALL girls are empowered to stand up. I think Black athletes standing up would be wonderful and strengthen the message!

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Are you familiar with what they did to the black female lawyer from the ACLU who spoke out about this in N.C.?

She was cancelled as fast as anyone. They don’t care if it’s black women or Latina women or African women, or anyone. It’s women that they hate. Punching down has never been such a lucrative and rewarding sport.

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Yes, it is all about the Oppression Hierarchy for the wokies. White girls are easy for them to dismiss because they're at the bottom. It's harder for them to dismiss Black girls since they are 2nd from the top (below the trans of course).

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Some of the volleyball teams who refused to play against San Jose State included a number of diverse athletes. One of the more outspoken members of the University of Nevada team in Native Hawaiian.

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hear! hear! to Kaitlyn and Taylor standing up for your rights.

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The transgenderist lobby--in demanding that privileged boys and men in womanface be considered more "oppressed and marginalized" than actual oppressed girls and women--have successfully switched the public perception of oppression.

So now privileged boys are supposedly the oppressed Jews in this scenario, while oppressed girls are the Nazis.

Odd that no one draws this comparison between Native Americans objecting to white people claiming to be NA: oh, no! white people are oppressed Jews and Native Americans are Nazis!

It is unreal what cognitive dissonance the human brain is capable of tolerating.

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This is largely down to backlash against feminism, IMO.

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Yes, indeed.

Misogynist men will never forgive us for trying to get out from under their boot.

The difference is that liberal politics supports other oppressed groups fighting back against oppression. Only girls and women are forced to live with violent oppression by everyone at all ends of the political spectrum.

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Awesome. Many more to follow. Let's BURY them in these lawsuits, in every state, all over the country. Their totalitarian political indoctrination is coming to an end!

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It's offensive to any rational human being! It's at least as insane as Alice's Wonderland. People who support males in women's sports have gone down the rabbit hole!

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It sucks that these kids have to fight this fight and take these kicks. But hopefully they grow as strong as thrice-rolled steel and it allows them to become leaders who have no fear.

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I can’t say it better than Susan here did! 💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️

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