Thank you Kara. I'd like to really understand just how much our policy makers are owned by the gender industry, down to the dollar. Therein lies the rub. It was in your book that I learned the connection between Obama and the Pritzker money. Obama ( so I also learned from your book) was the first to have the audacity of audacity to try to conflate sex and gender in the law. HIs 'change and hope' campaign failed to mention that little detail. And it all makes sense now that the governor of Illinois is JB Pritzker, and Chicago is implementing some of the most radical gender doctrines in schools.The public needs to understand this.Thank you Jennifer. Another lion of courage.

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If I could give people only one resource to research, it's the 11th Hour Blog. Jennifer Bilek's work is the foundation stone upon which all of our other work is based.

If we didn't know who is behind this, we wouldn't be able to fight them.

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Huge thanks to Kara and Jennifer! All of this info on the trans scam should be widely disseminated! I wish it were required reading for all!

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Jennifer Bilek ROCKS!!! So do you, Kara. Keep on TERFin’! ❤️❤️❤️

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BRAVO! to Jennifer Bilek. Astonishingly important work! A MUST read, follow, support.

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