Brave girl, thank you for drawing attention to her

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Great choice, once again!

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Funny how Democrats are the party of, "my body, my choice" but only when it comes to aborting your fetus. Such hypocrites. Two new candidates for FFS Friday please look up Michaelah Montgomery, a beautiful young women who spoke BOLDLY at a recent Trump rally about males in females sports to huge cheers. And Gloria Romero, a Democratic congresswomen from CA who recently jumped shipped due to her inability to speak truthfully about being a women. Dems are such gynophobes.

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Gloria Romero. I've met her, though I have no idea whether she would remember meeting me. I'm going to reach out to her. Thanks! "In January, Dansky stood beside state Senate majority leader Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) as Romero introduced a bill to establish a state sentencing commission." https://stanfordmag.org/contents/of-crime-and-punishment

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In all fairness, that wasn’t the only reason listed in the article. Little things like; open boarders and the creeping authoritarian tactics used covertly( and not so covertly) by the modern democrats were also mentioned. She said something about how ‘being able to distinguish between gender ideology and sex ‘would get her in trouble today as a professor, and how absurd that is. It is absurd. Democrats have brought back Dadaism and they don’t even know it.

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The recent Federal court rulings on the Biden admin's attempted Title IX regulation changes have provided a precedent and legal pathway to challenge this insanity: nearly all ruled explicitly that gender identity =/= sex, and attempting to encode such reasoning into a regulation violates Title IX.

This Washoe County rule for example, violates Title IX by depriving girls of the single-sex facilities they are entitled to, and constitutes sex discrimination for the same reason. By allowing boys with a "girl gender identity" to use the girls' facilities, they are equating gender identity to sex.

Challenging those rules on these grounds should ultimately succeed anywhere and everywhere. In a liberal Fed court district it may require appealing to the Circuit or to SCOTUS, but eventually like Kara says if we are heard we will win.

Let's get started!

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Lately I've become very cynical. But this post reminds me that the fight can take awhile.

Michaelah Montgomery is young but she's also wise and fearless. And she's not the only one. The work of defending the rights of women is ongoing. It will stretch into the future until the world is repaired.

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I don't use the locker room at my gym anymore, for the same reasons.

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Sock it to 'em! The part of the teen girl's statement I would have applauded the most had I been there was her forceful denunciation of the school district's effort to silence girls and other dissidents. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Is it a good tactic to cite the risk of male-on-female harassment and assault as a reason for opposing the presence of males in female-only spaces?

The answer is strongly yes if there have been documented cases in which boys or men claiming to "identify" as girls or women, respectively, have sexually assaulted females in spaces that are intended to be for females only. In that case, there needs to be a campaign to publicize such crimes so that those who seek to exclude men will be able to cite the cases in their arguments.

The disadvantage to raising the threat of sexual assault is that trans activists and their allies will turn it against sex realists as part of activists' ongoing strategy of portraying trans women as marginalized victims of transphobia or even martyrs should individuals come under direct criticism the way Will "Lia" Thomas did.

On the other hand, gender identity ideologues' goals are so reprehensible in the short run (end women-only spaces and events) and long run (eliminate distinctions between men and women) that sex realists should use any and all arguments that are available to them, including that males present a physical risk to women in changing rooms and bathrooms. If nothing else, making that argument consistently positions sex realists to come out with a resounding "We told you so!" if and when an assault takes place.

In a slightly different vein, isn't Administrative Regulation 5161 an outgrowth of the infamous 2016 "Dear Colleagues" letter from the U.S. Department of Education that put the federal government into girls' bathrooms and locker rooms on behalf of gender-confused boys?

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A high profile case occurred in a school in Loudoun County, Virginia in 2021, when a trans-identified male wearing a skirt sexually assaulted a girl in the ladies room. Her father, in a fury, unloaded his rage on the school board, was arrested and ultimately convicted of disorderly conduct. He was later pardoned by Governor Glenn Youngkin, who criticized the handling of the case and defended the father’s response to his daughter’s victimization.


But frankly, I don’t see a problem with women pointing out the risk of rape. We women, as a sex class, live with the threat of assault and rape all the time, by which I mean ALL THE TIME. We never know when some psychopath with a yen for female flesh will go bonkers and attack the closest available woman or girl. Fear of assault is a real concern. It occurs. IMO we don’t need to provide specific examples in order to bolster our demand that female spaces remain single sex. This was well-understood until five minutes ago.

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