8th amendment violation of these women is clear, yet somehow it is cruel and unusual to place these men ... with men? I am shocked - no, that's not the right word - dismayed, disgusted ...that people don't even know about this and more disturbing are of those that do,they don't seem to care or worse, support this ...
There are no longer any women's prisons in these states. These are majority female holding places to be used by misogynists to inflict cruel and unusual punishment on females by placing males in there to rape or do whatever they want. These deranged males are being placed there by the type that would gleefully volunteer to be a concentration camp guard. As a young, US Army reservist in the early 80's, I had to go for my physical to Fort Sam Houston. Many (but not all, thankfully) had quite a bit of hostility towards the military female. I walked into the room for my pap smear, and an overwhelming sense of doom permeated my brain. The "doctor," Jabba the Hut, was sitting on his stool, about 400lbs of white grease ball. He proceeded to arrange the table so I was sitting up enough so he could stare at me as he hand-raped. There is zero doubt in my mind the staff knew exactly what was going on and was titillated by the thought of Jabba raping military women. This is the purpose of putting males in formerly women's prisons.
Our of respect for Kara Dansky, I had to delete what I just typed regarding what that “doctor” needed to have happen to him.
In “fairness,” so to speak, the California legislation allowing males into women's prisons was introduced by Scott Wiener, a gay state Senator representing San Francisco, so I doubt he is motivated by the kind of sexual animus against women that you experienced. Can’t say the same, though, for the prison officials administering this insane law.
For some strange reason (not really) Wiener's Wikipedia entry doesn’t even mention the above legislation, also known as Sen Bill 132 (SB 132).
Wiener is also responsible for the notorious trans “refuge” bill, allowing California to offer services and shelter to out-of-state minors arriving from states that have regulated access to so-called gender affirming health care.
As a retired military woman, I can't say what I hope happened to the rapist and his cheer squad. When I read what legislation pols like Weiner have introduced and/or supported, I assume they are sociopaths. In that sense, he may not have animus towards females in particular, he just has no connection or empathy with other humans whether that be children, women or men.
He's industrious and productive, respected in Sacramento, and has been suggested for higher office, but he wants to stay right where he is, unfortunately.
Thanks for your insight. I've previously been unable to understand what his motivations might be, but I think you’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head—zero connection or empathy + all the power, status, and influence the little rat-face could ever want. True sociopath.
Weiner is a misogynist woman hating gay man who despises femininity. He is also a penultimate Queer activist who takes glee in dismantling the rights and child safeguarding legal processes that woman have fought hard to attain over a century.
A lot of gay men detest women. Some gay men who have a lot of female friends also make vicious jokes about women when they are with their gay friends. I know this because they have told me. Who knows what this is about for them, besides envy and jealousy of course. I doubt if they know themselves why they hate women, I mean the real reasons, not the ones they talk about.
Thank you for sharing your story. I understand the anti military women prejudice. My military time educated me to misogyny. I never knew it at home. It's not easy to live, as I denied it to myself most of my life, with some of the experiences I had while in the service. #IAMVANESSA
8th amendment violation of these women is clear, yet somehow it is cruel and unusual to place these men ... with men? I am shocked - no, that's not the right word - dismayed, disgusted ...that people don't even know about this and more disturbing are of those that do,they don't seem to care or worse, support this ...
There are no longer any women's prisons in these states. These are majority female holding places to be used by misogynists to inflict cruel and unusual punishment on females by placing males in there to rape or do whatever they want. These deranged males are being placed there by the type that would gleefully volunteer to be a concentration camp guard. As a young, US Army reservist in the early 80's, I had to go for my physical to Fort Sam Houston. Many (but not all, thankfully) had quite a bit of hostility towards the military female. I walked into the room for my pap smear, and an overwhelming sense of doom permeated my brain. The "doctor," Jabba the Hut, was sitting on his stool, about 400lbs of white grease ball. He proceeded to arrange the table so I was sitting up enough so he could stare at me as he hand-raped. There is zero doubt in my mind the staff knew exactly what was going on and was titillated by the thought of Jabba raping military women. This is the purpose of putting males in formerly women's prisons.
Our of respect for Kara Dansky, I had to delete what I just typed regarding what that “doctor” needed to have happen to him.
In “fairness,” so to speak, the California legislation allowing males into women's prisons was introduced by Scott Wiener, a gay state Senator representing San Francisco, so I doubt he is motivated by the kind of sexual animus against women that you experienced. Can’t say the same, though, for the prison officials administering this insane law.
For some strange reason (not really) Wiener's Wikipedia entry doesn’t even mention the above legislation, also known as Sen Bill 132 (SB 132).
Wiener is also responsible for the notorious trans “refuge” bill, allowing California to offer services and shelter to out-of-state minors arriving from states that have regulated access to so-called gender affirming health care.
As a retired military woman, I can't say what I hope happened to the rapist and his cheer squad. When I read what legislation pols like Weiner have introduced and/or supported, I assume they are sociopaths. In that sense, he may not have animus towards females in particular, he just has no connection or empathy with other humans whether that be children, women or men.
He's industrious and productive, respected in Sacramento, and has been suggested for higher office, but he wants to stay right where he is, unfortunately.
Thanks for your insight. I've previously been unable to understand what his motivations might be, but I think you’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head—zero connection or empathy + all the power, status, and influence the little rat-face could ever want. True sociopath.
Weiner is a misogynist woman hating gay man who despises femininity. He is also a penultimate Queer activist who takes glee in dismantling the rights and child safeguarding legal processes that woman have fought hard to attain over a century.
A lot of gay men detest women. Some gay men who have a lot of female friends also make vicious jokes about women when they are with their gay friends. I know this because they have told me. Who knows what this is about for them, besides envy and jealousy of course. I doubt if they know themselves why they hate women, I mean the real reasons, not the ones they talk about.
Thank you for sharing your story. I understand the anti military women prejudice. My military time educated me to misogyny. I never knew it at home. It's not easy to live, as I denied it to myself most of my life, with some of the experiences I had while in the service. #IAMVANESSA