
When I do things such as publish a letter like this, I often get pushback along the lines of "Don't bother, there's no chance she's going to read it." Or "Don't hold your breath on getting a response." Or "She's fully bought by the trans lobby." There are a few comments to that effect here. The thing about that is, I know. I don't do this because I think she will read it or respond (though of course it would be nice if she did!). There are other things that make it worth doing. For one thing, Martina Navratilova posted it to her >474K followers. https://x.com/Martina/status/1821253634555789685. That alone makes it worth doing. Then, in response to a question about whether this is a left/right issue, I posted a link to The Reckoning, and Martina RT'd it: https://x.com/KDansky/status/1821538415394816038. That DEFINITELY makes it worth doing. So, yes, I understand that there is approximately zero chance Kamala is going to stand up at the DNC and state that a woman is an adult human female. But that doesn't mean we should stop publicly telling her to! Thanks, as always, to paid subscribers who take the time to read and comment. I'll go back to not monitoring comments again. :)

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Kara, Thank you for your open letter to Kamala Harris. Sex-based rights for women should be a non-partisan issue. It is a women's rights issue. Sadly, as we know, the Dems have abandoned women with the exception of reproductive rights.

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Unfortunately, I’m afraid that her choice of running mate signals a doubling down on trans issues. Minnesota is one of the few states that rivals California in its insanity on this point.

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I wish for once they'd discuss this in good faith, in one forum or another. The fact that they consistently refuse to speaks volumes.

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Would help them so much if they read, and really listened to(!), your letter. I will confess I’m glad that they won’t. The ticket is far too leftist radical for me—and not just on gender woo. This year will be the first time I do not vote D in a presidential election…

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Me too.

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Your forthright and eloquent letter speaks for so many of us. I hope it will be widely read and shared. Thank you so much for speaking out and for everything you do on behalf of women and girls.

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Comments seen on Pamela's Paul's piece in the NYT today:


Los Angeles

2h ago

Gender and identity obsession will be the complete undoing of the Democratic Party. Why they refuse to accept this is beyond the ability of many of us to comprehend.



2h ago

Finally some sane advice. Enough talk about LGBT issues, trans-sexual care for teens, reparations for past injustices, glass ceilings, school book bans, or even abortion. With the exception of the latter these are tremendously important only to small slices of the population but are usually a turnoff to most middle of the road individuals. Talk about Trumps's tax cuts. Compare the growth in profitability of large corporations attributable to his tax cuts to the growth in wages. Call him out on the lies about the prisoner swap when Paul Wheelan was captured on his watch and did nothing to bring him back. Point out his failure to build a wall as promised. Pull data on outsourcing job loss during his presidency compared to Biden's. Take every meaningful policy position he has taken and show it to be a sham.

Rachel Fulton

Santa Clara

4h ago

There's a great piece in The Washington Examiner by Kara Dansky--an open letter to Kamala Harris.

Or, read Kara's Substack.

(It wouldn't be published in these pages.)

What is a woman?

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Excellent letter Kara, I hope she reads it. I'm not hopeful that she will see the light. She seems bought by the trans lobby. They're a threatening, authoritarian bunch. I keep going on Tik Tok lives and trying to explain that I'm a liberal voting for Donald Trump, because of this issue. Their base is uninformed, brainwashed, and I'm blown off as a, "far- right Karen." I'm a liberal dumb asses! A true liberal. We were the common sense ones, the logical ones, mocking the absurdity of the right. We were the rational ones, ruled by reason. I don't like DT and especially his personality, but I LOVE that he's going to restore my sex based rights. If Republicans look like the normal, rational ones, you got problems! The Democratic base is about to blindly vote for their savior without knowing her policies. I don't think they even care. They have no clue that women are being raped in prisons by male transfers. A policy Kamala proudly supports.

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Excellent letter but the chances of it affecting Kamala and her campaign are close to zero. For principled liberals who have been betrayed by the current agenda of the not-so-Democratic Party, I suggest supporting the campaign of RFK, Jr., who has already come out against men participating in women's sports and his organization, Children's Health Defense, has critiqued so-called "gender affirming care." One does not have to vote for Trump to express opposition to the gender cult in the presidential race.

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Sometimes the enemy of our enemy is not our friend. JFK Jr. is an irresponsible anti-vax conspiracy monger.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Say the corporate news media which are largely underwritten by Big Pharma, the same media that lie to us regularly about "gender affirming care." He is not anti-vax; he is for vaccine safety and adequate testing. Read what Kennedy actually says rather than what the media tell you he says. See https://kennedydebunked.com/2024/05/28/rfk-jr-is-anti-vaxx/ and https://kennedyforhealth.com/.

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Kennedy was targeted for demonization by the Democrats because his candidacy represented the most viable threat to the Biden administration’s desire to hold onto the White House by any means necessary. He was the most popular Democratic alternative for those of us who want to vote Democratic but could not abide Biden, or now, Harris.

Democrats who take seriously the propaganda about RFK Jr. might want to dig deeper before labeling him anti-vaxx. Also, painful as it may be to consider, we need to at least acknowledge the disconcerting fact that Harris was handed her candidacy by default, without a single vote being cast for her in a primary. Removing the voters from the voting process is unprecedented in the country’s history and does not bode well for what the Democrats like to call “our Democracy.”

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Yes, I’ve been aware of him since about 2017–pre-Covid—and would never vote for him due to his antivaxx rantings

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Brilliant, word and tone perfect letter. Good to have it on record so that if/when they lose, presumably without having made any changes to their 'women's lives don't matter' approach, they will know in part why. Indeed they will know that women's lives DO matter. Awesome, too, that Navratilova shared it and your book on X. The Sisterhood is back in business, baby. Come what may.

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Awesome, powerful letter! Thank you!

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Dear Kara. Don't expect an answer. We are now on day 17 of the US media not asking Scamala Kamalujah (I'm a former, lifelong Democrat who left the party after reading your & Helen Joyce's books) ONE single question! (she's answered questions posed to her by pro-Hamas terrorist supporters in Michigan). I was born and raised in Iceland, and "Soviet Union" doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does to American Gen-Xers. But since the DNC/Biden coup, the words keep coming to me – "Soviet Union" = DNC and "Pravda (looks like WSJ next to US media) = the tapeworm that is US mass media in DNC's intestines. And btw, blowing Trump's "base" off as "uninformed" and "brainwashed, as Savi_heretic33 does, makes one just as despicably elitist as the DNC and Soviet Union party faithful.

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I could not disagree more with your smear job against Kamala Harris and the DNC or with the nutty "coup against Biden" conspiracy theory.

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American novelist and Spectator columnist Lionel Shriver's observations on US and Dem politics are a must-read https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/will-the-real-kamala-harris-please-stand-up/ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/is-trump-or-biden-a-bigger-threat-to-democracy/. With Kamala Harris and the Democrats " we'll get MORE open borders, DEI, transgenderism, racial animosity, censorship, immigration chaos, international disrespect, executive orders, inflation, spending, civil discord, net-zero self-destruction, more paralysing infighting in Congress, rule-breaking, and more debt."

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Completely agree with Ms.Dansky! This is a huge issue and can be a huge bipartisan issue. Adult human female !

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Brilliantly done, Kara. Thank you.

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As much as I love this letter, I’ve come to believe that we need to give them ample and repeated opportunities to “quite quit” and even “memory hole”this whole belief system. As much as I would love an apology, it’s much more important for them to stop this nonsense.

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