A trans-identified man advocating for pedophiles? Shocker!

Seriously though, the psychologists studying paraphilias, of which pedophilia is one and autogynephilia is another, have found that they tend to correlate with each other, i.e. if someone has one of them they are more likely than the general population to have another of them.


Since many TIMs are autogynephiles, it's statistically more likely that they are also pedophiles.

This is also a good example, in my opinion, of just how lacking in self-awareness narcissists are. Anyone with half a brain would know that this is a REALLY BAD LOOK for the trans movement. But no, he had to go and do it anyway.

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I wish this was talked about more! It’s amazing to me how little the average person knows about AGP and other paraphilias

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You’re spot on Hazel. He threw a big tantrum because of the backlash against him, crying about how his amendment ‘was just misunderstood’. yeah right. It’s OTHER people’s problem if they reject pedophiles! He’s unbelievable. But, people here in his own party are letting him get away with it. Revolting.

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Kara, 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏for this, and 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 also for your lifelong dedication and activism on behalf of abortion rights.

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Pedos among us there have always been, but I'm still having a hard time comprehending the mass psychosis that put one/some in office, or the "normal looking" adults with small children in tow I see in the videos of sexualized drag shows. With the worst perversions being normalized, the next step the supporting lunatics will take is to start screaming to commute the sentences of all convicted child molesters. Thank you for fighting at the warfront.

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I too "stand fully in support of the rights of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people of both sexes to be protected on the basis of sexual orientation", but LGB people must understand that many of us are nevertheless willing to accept the allyship of the LisaMaria72's of the world to help stop the crime against humanity of the transification of children. So if they are opposed to the transification of children (and the obliteration of women's sex-based rights), they should speak up NOW, in the manner of organizations like LGB United and Gays Against Groomers.



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On the upside, people like this dude are going to be the downfall of their own insane movement.

Honestly, I am waiting for the bill to allow men to walk around with their genitalia on display as part of their “human rights” to drop any minute. I mean, hey, you were born naked, so it is your right to remain naked all the time, amirite?

The emperor knows he is naked, he just wants everyone to see his junk.

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You’re spot on

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I’m in MN. Born and raised in Minneapolis. This state is completely overtaken by people who are incredibly disturbed, the majority ramming through preposterous legislation in just a few short months. There is some kind of hive-mind virus among most people here…just ‘being nice’ (if any of the readers here have lived here, there’s a saying ‘Minnesota Nice’ defines the culture here. Let me dispel that notion straight away. Minnesotans are highly highly judgemental and passive aggressive as a whole). And now they’ve decided that this twisted state ‘personality’ as ‘being nice’ towards protecting pedophiles??? I don’t think the state can come back from this. The voters here have shown their true colors and are revealing themselves to be completely morally bankrupt. Seriously this place is irredeemable in my opinion, and I say this as a life-long born and raised resident. The entire state should just be annexed to Canada.

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It took growing up and looking honestly at history to realize that the most frightening authoritarian dictatorships spring out of leftist movements.

And the sexism on the left now scares me more than that of the right. I mean, it’s all hideous and terrible, but when the call comes from inside your house it is so much more immediately frightening.

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Completely agree

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Hell no we have enough crap, no room for more. Canada has its own crisis.

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As one whose paternal grandfather was born in Minnesota and who loved this state as a child, I can relate. A terrible shame!

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Thank you Kara!

Another excellent piece.

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In case anyone hasn't seen this: DOJ is suing Tennessee over SB 1 on Equal Protection grounds. Here's an excerpt:

SB 1 prohibits certain forms of medically necessary care for transgender minors

with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Specifically, SB 1 bans certain medical procedures and

treatments for minors, including puberty blockers and hormones, if performed for the purpose of enabling a minor to identify with or live with an identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex as

assigned at birth, or treating discomfort or distress from discordance between the minor’s sex

assigned at birth and their asserted identity.

5. While prohibiting certain forms of medically necessary gender-affirming care for

transgender minors, SB 1 permits all other minors to access the same procedures and treatments. For example, SB 1 excepts the same medical procedures when they are used “to treat a minor’s congenital defect, precocious puberty, disease, or physical injury.” The statute specifically excludes gender dysphoria and related conditions from the definition of disease.

Don't even know where to begin with this statement of "facts" purporting to show an Equal Protection claim.

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Yeah, my fear is that the Supremes will be so confounded by the prospect of dealing directly with "gender identity" as a legal matter that they will take the easy way out and just lump it in with sexual orientation, like they did in Bostock. The degree of tortuous twisting that it required to arrive at "gender identity = sexual orientation" is daunting. If they could do that, they could do anything.

Ginsburg and Breyer were part of that decision, so things have improved, but if Gorsuch and Roberts stick with the Bostock reasoning, it could end up 5-4 in favor of the DOJ.

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Bostock was problematic from the get go, and maybe a different SCOTUS (MAYBE) they can see through the bullshit lie that is ‘gender identity’—there is absolutely NO corollary of ‘gender’ on the physical body. It’s meaningless. Smoke and mirrors BS. I’m hoping against hope there is some sanity left in the world of adults who are ‘supposed to know better’. I’m hopeful because Kansas just voted to approve what is essentially Women’s Declaration of Rights…maybe that will ring throughout the rest of the country. There has to be some hope….somewhere.

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Hazel, you are spot on. That for sure is a big worry.

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We have Walz here in MN but no doubt he’s cozy with Pritzker in IL. And, the medical establishment here welcomed the quack Harry Benjamin in the 1960s to run his gender borg clinic after he was essentially shunned out of NY medical circles due to being exposed for his BS quackery about turtle fluids to ‘cure’ disease like tuberculosis. But I digress. Harry Benjamin’s ‘clinic’ in Minneapolis is the home of activist quack medical society ‘WPATH’. You know, the so-called arbiters of medical ‘Standards of Care’ for those who want to have a eunuch identity and can be castrated at any age. This is s buffalo bill level insanity that needs to be continually called out, thank you Kara for fighting against this !!!!!!!!

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MN and Illinois are close in proximity and have identical politics so pritzker might as well be running this state too. It's clown world!

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