January 14, 2025
The US House is scheduled to vote TODAY on the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. This is a strong bill that Women’s Declaration International USA supports.
In 2023, I published an article titled “Why progressives should support the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.”
Debate begins at 12:00 p.m. ET and will be aired lived on CSPAN. You can also watch it on the House homepage. Voting should start at around 2:30 p.m. ET.
It passed in the House in 2023 without a single Democrat voting yes.
WDI USA is urging people to contact Representatives Moulton and Suozzi (both House Democrats who said sensible things about female-only sports in the wake of the 2024 presidential election) and urge them to make history by voting yes.
Here’s what WDI USA said yesterday (sharing screenshots with permission):
Please make your voice heard by asking Representatives Moulton and Suozzi to vote YES.
I called both Moulton and Suozzi yesterday. The assistants I spoke to were receptive, familiar with the issue, and probably had been receiving calls from WDI all day. It was well worth it. If Moulton and Suozzi are serious about supporting women and girls, it’s time for them to stick their necks out and show the rest of the Dems what integrity looks like.
If you prop up the anti-woman Democratic Party, you'll facilitate their deliberate extension of this fight over sex-based rights for another decade or so. That's another ten years of young lesbians and gay boys being told their gender nonconformity makes them defective. Years more fighting schools, teachers, therapists and idiots on Tiktok who indoctrinate youth, grooming them to be medicalized patients for the transitioning profiteers. You will be participating in the sterilization of millions more children who will have unhappy, short lives trying to be seen as the opposite sex. Just like the feminists who desperately voted for Kamala Harris, those who “vote blue no matter who” from here forward are personally responsible for the damage Democrats cause, including male convicted rapists placed in female prisons who subsequently rape more women. You get what you vote for. You and elected Democrats create government facilitated rape.
Why not draw a line in the sand instead? Just listen to Democrats speaking in Congress today about checking children's genitals. MA Rep Ayanna Pressley just built a public strawman to call us perverts as if she doesn't know you can do a DNA mouth swap to check a student's sex, or just look at their sex identified at birth, which in our country is 99.99% accurate. Hell, she stumbled over her speech as if it was written by the trans activists who bring her votes for reading their lies:
“Imagine you are eight years old trying out for the soccer team and your coach demands that you show them your genitals. … That is exactly what this bill does. It allows … random adults to demand to inspect your child's genitals without parental consent.”
What an egregious lie. C'mon, let's tear them apart for their dishonesty.
“Who exactly is imagining that? Only corrupt Democrats trying to prop up an unethical ideology that brings massive wealth to the transitioning profiteers who fund their reelection campaigns.”
The ads (and books) practically write themselves.
OR Rep Suzanne Bonamici pretended that boys who call themselves girls are actually girls. She pretended that sex isn't real, or isn't relevant. She stood there today and lied to us implying that keeping males out of female sports is somehow preventing them from playing sports at all, as if they don't already have the right to play on a male team. She didn't stumble through her lies, but I promise you she doesn't believe what she said. She's not stupid.
These elected Democrats are digging in their heels because they are backed by moneyed interests that benefit from this inane ideology. They. Are. Not. On. Your. Side. They showed you that with their reversal of Title IX. They showed you again today with their lies in Congress. Exactly zero Democrats voted in favor of women's rights last time. Now some of them may launch a filibuster. For dog's sake, just let them. Let Democrats tell you over and over what they think of women's rights. Let them prove they will prioritize male rights above female until the last remnants of vote blue no matter what they do succumbs to the stake driven into the heart of the corrupt DNC.
We have the opportunity to fire every elected Democrat who votes against this bill. Primary them, starting with those who lied today. Purge the party of cowards who trade children's lives for votes. This is the biggest opportunity in our lifetime to take back our government on behalf of the people. We start by taking back the Democratic Party. Trust me, if we can do this, conservatives will step up to take back the Repub party too.
Even better will be to create a solution that is far more comprehensive than what Trump is about to offer. If feminists reverse course and support only those Democrats who are willing to take a stand to reinstate sex-based rights, smart, strong women will be well positioned for a congressional runs. In Oregon, you could run against either a D or an R and easily win.
Every time someone like Pressley lies about the contents of a bill, we make the federal bill we've written better. Liars gonna lie, and we're happy to use their dishonesty to clarify our bill.
20 million Democrats just refused to vote for Democrats. Join us.