Apology and announcement
August 11, 2022
This post is being sent to the nearly 1500 subscribers to this Substack. If you would like to receive content that delves more deeply into the movement to protect the sex-based rights of women and girls and to fight the abolition of sex, please consider a paid subscription.
I am a bit behind on Substack posts, and for that I apologize to all subscribers. I have what I think is a legitimate defense, which is that I spent much of the weekend preparing to appear on an upcoming episode of Dr. Phil. Tuesday I spent the entire day traveling to Los Angeles. Wednesday was taping day, and then I took the red-eye back to D.C., landing at around 8:30 a.m. this morning.
Other guests on our side of the debate included Ruth Barrett, author of Female Erasure, and Sydney Watson, who has covered this topic extensively on her YouTube channel. Guests on the other side of the discussion included Chandi Moore and Danny Wakefield. In a town hall format, audience members were invited to weigh in and ask questions. We hope the airing will reflect the whole discussion honestly and with integrity.
I am very excited to get this radical feminist perspective out to such a large mainstream audience. I’ll let you know as soon as we know the date the show will air.
For paid subscribers: I will resume my series The lies they have to tell to persuade us that it’s a legitimate civil rights movement as soon as possible, with a new post up hopefully in the coming days.
If you haven’t, please consider signing the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights. You can find the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International here.
Check out my book The Abolition of Sex: How the ‘Transgender’ Agenda Harms Women and Girls, also available on Audible.